.NET Wrapper for the MailChimp v2.0 API
- Add a reference to MailChimp.dll, or install the NuGet package (located here https://nuget.org/packages/MailChimp.NET/ )
- Next, you will need to provide MailChimp.NET with your API key in code. Need help finding your API key? Check here: http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/where-can-i-find-my-api-key
In your application, call:
MailChimpManager mc = new MailChimpManager("YourApiKeyHere-us2");
ListResult lists = mc.GetLists();
using MailChimp;
using MailChimp.Lists;
MailChimpManager mc = new MailChimpManager("YourApiKeyHere-us2");
ListResult lists = mc.GetLists();
// For each list
foreach(var list in lists.Data)
// Write out the list name:
Debug.WriteLine("Users for the list " + list.Name);
// Get the first 100 members of each list:
MembersResult results = mc.GetAllMembersForList(list.Id, "subscribed", 0, 100);
// Write out each member's email address:
foreach(var member in results.Data)
MailChimpManager mc = new MailChimpManager("YourApiKeyHere-us2");
// Create the email parameter
EmailParameter email = new EmailParameter()
Email = "customeremail@righthere.com"
EmailParameter results = mc.Subscribe("YourListID", email);
MailChimpManager mc = new MailChimpManager("YourApiKeyHere-us2");
ListResult lists = mc.GetLists();
// For each list
foreach(var list in lists.Data)
Debug.WriteLine("Information for " + list.Name);
// Get the location data for each list:
List<SubscriberLocation> locations = mc.GetLocationsForList(list.Id);
// Write out each of the locations:
foreach(var location in locations)
Debug.WriteLine("Country: {0} - {2} users, accounts for {1}% of list subscribers", location.Country, location.Percent, location.Total);
Here is the progress so far (according to the MailChimp API docs ) :
- Campaigns related: 86% (13 of 15)
- Ecomm related: 0% (0 of 3)
- Folder related: 100% (4 of 4)
- List related: 47% (17 of 36)
- Helper related: 60% (6 of 10)
- Reports related: 11% (2 of 18)
- Templates related: 16% (1 of 6)
- User related: 66% (4 of 6)
- Vip related: 0% (0 of 4)
Overall: 46% (47 of 102)