Generate your year calendar in Python. The result is a PDF file with 12 pages containing an image and a grid of days.
- pillow or PIL
- reportlab
- DejaVu fonts (if you want pyearcal work out of the box)
- BeautifulSoup (optional)
- Python 3.6+
- Prepare a directory with 12 images (different image providers are planned)
- Initialize calendar with all options.
- Language (locales for English, Czech, Slovak, Italian)
- Special days (national holidays are included + add your own)
- Fonts, colours
- Render it to PDF
Usage: pyearcal [OPTIONS] [OUTPUT]
-s, --source PATH
-l, --locale [en|cs|it|sk]
-y, --year INTEGER
-f, --font TEXT
-d, --special-days TEXT
# Import important modules
from pyearcal import YearCalendar
from pyearcal.image_sources import UnsortedImageDirectory
from datetime import date
from pyearcal.l10n import CzechLocale
year = + 1
# Use all pictures from "images" directory
image_source = UnsortedImageDirectory("images")
# Use Czech locale and holidays
locale = CzechLocale()
# Set a few special days
special_days = [
date(year, 1, 31) # Guido van Rossum's birthday
calendar = YearCalendar(year, image_source, locale, special_days)
You can take FlickrDownloader as an inspiration for developing a more sophisticated image source.