This notebook explores Random Forests to find out what variables control leaf temperature.
If you are unfamiliar with some of the concepts covered in this tutorial it's recommended to read through the background reading below either as you go through the notebook or beforehand.
- Decision Tree Introductory Video
- Random Forests Introductory Video
- Random Forest overview linked with python
If you want a quick look at the contents inside the notebook before deciding to run it please view the md file generated (note some HTML code not fully rendered)
You can run this notebook on your personal laptop or via the binder link above (please allow a few minutes for set up).
Running Locally
If you're already familiar with git, anaconda and virtual environments the environment you need to create is found in RF.yml and the code below to install activate and launch the notebook. The .yml file has been tested on the latest linux, macOS and windows operating systems.
git clone
cd LIFD_RandomForests
conda env create -f RF.yml
conda activate RF
This notebook is designed to run on a laptop with no special hardware required therefore recommended to do a local installation as outlined in the repository howtorun and jupyter_notebooks sections.
LIFD_ENV_ML_NOTEBOOKS by cemac is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Thanks to Chetan Deva for the basis of this tutorial. This tutorial is part of the LIFD ENV ML NOTEBOOKS please refer to for full acknowledgements. Thanks to Donald Cummins and Tamora James for further contributions.