npm install --save @celo/web3-plugin-transaction-types web3@4.13.1
is a peer dependency and MUST be installed alongside this library.
import { Web3 } from "web3";
import { CeloTransactionTypesPlugin } from "@celo/web3-plugin-transaction-types";
const web3 = new Web3("");
web3.registerPlugin(new CeloTransactionTypesPlugin());
// Now `web3.celo` is available and `celo.eth` is celo-aware
const cEUR = await web3.celo.getCoreContractAddress("StableTokenEUR");
const txData = {
from: "0x123...",
to: "0x456...",
value: 123n,
feeCurrency: cEUR, // optional
await web3.celo.populateTransaction(txData);
const tx = await web3.eth.sendTransaction(txData);
// `isValidFeeCurrency`
// Check if an address is a whitelisted feeCurrency
const valid: boolean = await web3.celo.isValidFeeCurrency("0x1234...");
// `getCoreContractAddress`
// Fetch from the celo Registry contract the address of a given human readable name
const cEUR: Address = await web3.celo.getCoreContractAddress("StableTokenEUR");
const governance: Address = await web3.celo.getCoreContractAddress(
npm install --save @celo/abis
import { stableTokenEurABI } from "@celo/abis";
import { CeloContract } from "@celo/web3-plugin-transaction-types";
const cEUR = await web3.celo.getCoreContractAddress("StableTokenEUR");
const cEURContract = new CeloContract(stableTokenEurABI, cEUR, web3);
const to = "0x123...";
const amount = 123n;
const tx = await cEURContract.methods.transfer(to, amount).send({
from: web3.eth.defaultAccount,
feeCurrency: stableAddress, // optional
const balance = BigInt(
await cEURContract.methods.balanceOf(account2.address).call()