These are the scripts used for CellGenIT for synchronized processing of scRNA-seq and bulk RNA-seq. Both use STAR aligner to align reads to the reference genome.
of version 2.7.9a or above is recommended. The newest update includes the ability to correctly process multi-mapping reads, and adds many important options and bug fixes.
In order to use settings that closely mimic those of Cell Ranger
v4 or above (see explanations below, particularly --clipAdapterType CellRanger4
option), STAR
needs to be re-compiled from source with make STAR CXXFLAGS_SIMD="-msse4.2"
(see this issue for more info). If you get the "Illegal instruction" error, that's what you need to do.
There's also Martin Prete's awesome icpc
-compiled version of STAR
that's being tested right now - stay tuned for the updates.
of version 1.3.3 should be installed using bioconda in a separate virtual environment.
The issues of reference genome and annotation used for mouse and human scRNA-seq experiments are described here in some detail.
- there are several standard annotation versions used by
Cell Ranger
; They are referred to as versions1.2.0
, and2020-A
; - the references are filtered to remove pseudogenes and small RNAs; exact filtering scripts are available here;
- number of genes in
Cell Ranger
filtered human reference is about 35k; in full human annotation is about 60k.
Depending on the task at hand, bulk RNA-seq can be processed either using the Cell Ranger
filtered reference, or full annotation with 60k genes. Usually we do the latter.
Once you have downloaded the needed fasta and GTF files, and applied the necessary filtering (see the 10x genomics link above), run the following command using 16 CPUs/64 Gbs of RAM:
STAR --runThreadN 16 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir STAR --genomeFastaFiles $FA --sjdbGTFfile $GTF
reference is not different from a normal STAR
reference - STARsolo
workflow is invoked using the options listed below. Thus, it can be run on both Cell Ranger
filtered and un-filtered index. We use the filtered reference to match the Cell Ranger
output as closely as possible.
All CellGenIT pre-made STAR
references are located in /nfs/cellgeni/STAR/
. Barcode whitelist files are located in /nfs/cellgeni/STAR/whitelists
Full scripts with the latest settings are available in /scripts
(there are several scripts according to 10x chemistry version; e.g.
should be used for v3 of 3' 10x, while
should be used for v2 of 5'. The scripts contain many options that frequently change; some of which will be explained below. In general, commands are tuned in such way that the results with be very close to those of Cell Ranger
v4 and above.
Before running, barcode whitelists need to be downloaded from here.
Below are the explanations for some of the options (note that 5' experiments always use 737K-august-2016.txt
barcode file):
--runDirPerm All_RWX
allows a directory readable by all users, which becomes an issue when sharing results on Farm;--soloCBwhitelist $BC --soloBarcodeReadLength 0 --soloUMIlen $UMILEN --soloStrand $STR
are settings that change with the used 10x chemistry:
3' v1 | 737K-april-2014_rc.txt | 10 | Forward |
3' v2 | 737K-august-2016.txt | 10 | Forward |
3' v3, v3.1 | 3M-february-2018.txt | 12 | Forward |
5' v1.1, v2 | 737K-august-2016.txt | 10 | Reverse |
5' v3 | 737K-august-2016.txt | 12 | Reverse |
--soloUMIdedup 1MM_CR --soloCBmatchWLtype 1MM_multi_Nbase_pseudocounts --soloUMIfiltering MultiGeneUMI_CR --clipAdapterType CellRanger4 --outFilterScoreMin 30
are options that define UMI collapsing, barcode collapsing, and read clipping algorithms that are closest to ones used byCell Ranger
;--soloCellFilter EmptyDrops_CR
specifies the cell filtering algorithm used in EmptyDrops, which is the default algorithm in later versions ofCell Ranger
;--soloFeatures Gene GeneFull Velocyto
output conventional (exon-only) UMI counts, as well as exon+intron UMI counts (analog ofCell Ranger
premrna option), as well as matrices preprocessed forVelocyto
;--soloMultiMappers Unique EM
is to count multimappers;--readFilesCommand zcat
is used if your input fastq files are gzipped;- options grouped as
should be used if you need a genomic bam file; otherwise, use$NOBAM
Actual STAR
command being run (note the order of read files passed to --readFilesIn
STAR --runThreadN $CPUS --genomeDir $REF --readFilesIn $R2 $R1 --runDirPerm All_RWX \
--readFilesCommand zcat $NOBAM --soloType CB_UMI_Simple --soloCBwhitelist $BC \
--soloBarcodeReadLength 0 --soloUMIlen $UMILEN --soloStrand $STR --soloUMIdedup 1MM_CR \
--soloCBmatchWLtype 1MM_multi_Nbase_pseudocounts --soloUMIfiltering MultiGeneUMI_CR \
--soloCellFilter EmptyDrops_CR --clipAdapterType CellRanger4 --outFilterScoreMin 30 \
--soloFeatures Gene GeneFull Velocyto \
--soloOutFileNames output/ genes.tsv barcodes.tsv matrix.mtx
For plate-based methods that don't use UMIs (such as SMART-Seq and SMART-Seq2), STARsolo
can be used as well. Fastq files for these methods usually come as separate, paired-end files; all of these should be listed in a manifest file - plain text, tab-separated file containing three columns per line: 1) full path to R1; 2) full path to R2; 3) cell name or ID.
Example of a script used to process Smart-seq2 data can be found in /scripts/
. Actual STAR
command being run:
STAR --runThreadN $CPUS --genomeDir $REF --runDirPerm All_RWX --readFilesCommand zcat $SORTEDBAM \
--outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.3 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.3 \
--soloType SmartSeq --readFilesManifest ../$TAG.manifest.tsv \
--soloUMIdedup Exact --soloStrand Unstranded \
--soloFeatures Gene GeneFull --soloOutFileNames output/ genes.tsv barcodes.tsv matrix.mtx
Sometimes, reads can benefit from trimming adapters, which can be turned on using --clip3pAdapterSeq <3' adapter sequence>
option. Alternatively,
can be used to trim adapters from reads prior to the alignment and quantification.
Default approach used by Cell Ranger
(and STARsolo
scripts above) is to discard all reads that map to multiple genomic locations with equal mapping quality. This approach creates a bias in gene expression estimation. Pseudocount-based methods correctly quantify multimapping reads, but generate false counts due to pseudo-alignment errors. These issues are described in good detail here.
If you would like to process multimappers, add the following options: --soloMultiMappers Uniform EM
. This will generate an extra matrix in the /raw output folders. There will be non-integer numbers in the matrix because of split reads. If the downstream processing requires integers, you can round with a tool of your liking (e.g. awk
If you've used these scripts to process multiple 10x samples, you can get a quick look at the results by copying
script from this repo to the directory with STARsolo
output folders, and running
./ <output_tag> | column -t
The output_tag argument could be any common part of the folder name - e.g. if samples are called SRR124444 .. SRR124534, you can use SRR124 or SRR.
reference files need to be prepared from genome fasta and GTF using the following command:
rsem-prepare-reference --gtf $GTF $FA <rsem_ref_name>
Full script with the latest settings for STAR/RSEM processing of bulk RNA-seq is available in /scripts/
. Most options for STAR
alignment are following the ENCODE presets (see STAR manual for more details).
Actual STAR
command being run:
STAR --runThreadN $CPUS --genomeDir $SREF --readFilesIn $R1 $R2 --readFilesCommand zcat \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
--outFilterMismatchNmax 999 --outFilterMismatchNoverReadLmax 0.04 --alignIntronMin 20 \
--alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 --outSAMheaderCommentFile COfile.txt \
--outSAMheaderHD @HD VN:1.4 SO:coordinate --outSAMunmapped Within --outFilterType BySJout \
--outSAMattributes NH HI AS NM MD --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --sjdbScore 1\
--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts --limitBAMsortRAM 30000000000
command for quantification using the transcriptomic BAM file:
rsem-calculate-expression $PAIRED -p $CPUS --bam --estimate-rspd --seed 12345 -p 4 --no-bam-output \
--forward-prob 0.5 Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam $RREF $TAG.rsem
here is RSEM
reference prepared with the rsem-prepare-reference
shown above. $PAIRED
is set to "--paired-end" for paired-end experiments and to empty string if the experiment is single-end. For strand-specific processing, --forward-prob
can be changed to 1 (forward read matches the direction of the gene), or 0 (reverse strand specificity, common for dUTP-based protocols).
output generates both per-gene and per-transcript tables, with raw read counts and TPM and FPKM normalized counts.