is a microframework for easily creating flexible python class schemas.
Normaly you will use flatty on top of marshallers which uses python dict as
input/output format. Think of couchdb, json, xml, yaml, etc. With flatty you can
easily store an object-oriented class schema in these systems by just storing
the data (no meta-data is stored).
Key Features:
- easy to use
- couchdb adapter to use flatty schemas with couchdb
- only plain data is marshaled, no class meta-data
- extensible, add custom converters for your own needs and types
- can be easily extended to support unique features of a marshal framework
- light-weight (flatty has currently less than 200 lines of code)
- OpenSource BSD-licensed
Full documentation can be found on PyPi Flatty Documentation
The goal of Flatty is to provide a class-to-dict marshaller which stays in the background on top of other low-level marshallers. They might only support python dicts and some base types.
With Flatty you can build a complete class schema and marshall/unmarshall (flatten/unflatten) high-level class objects to the low-level marshaller which provides the persistence layer. A good example where Flatty already provides an adapter is couchdb. We tried to keep the schema definition as much as possible "standard python" and gather the needed information through inspection to keep things easy.
Flatty reduces everything to a simple dict, without storing metainformation in the marshalled data. The marshalling process Flatty uses is simple: It treats classes as dicts and their attributes as key-value pairs in the dict. Lists are stored as lists. That's it.
Let's go:
>>> import flatty
This imports the flatty module. Now we can define a schema using python classes:
>>> class Bar(flatty.Schema): ... a_num = int ... a_str = str ... a_thing = NoneThe class Bar`has 3 attributes. `a_num is typed as int, a_str as string and a_thing can be of any type. Types are checked during flattening and unflattening and couse a TypeError Exception if type does not fit.
>>> class Foo(flatty.Schema): ... my_typed_list = flatty.TypedList.set_type(Bar)The class Foo defines just one attribute my_typed_list. As the name might already explain, the type of this attribute is a list. It acts like a normal python list (actually it is inherited from list) with one difference it only accepts items instances of type Bar.
The benefit of this "strict" typing with TypedList is that Flatty knows which types you expect and can create instances of class Bar during unflattening. Because flatty doesn't marshal type information it needs this information during unmarshaling to restore the correct types
You can also use just a normal python list but when you unflat your data you will just get "classless" items instead of Bar instances.
There is also a TypedDict to produce "strict" typed dicts
Next we create some instances. You see we can use named arguments in the constructor to fill the attributes.
>>> my_bar = Bar(a_num=42, a_str='hello world', a_thing='whatever type here') >>> foo = Foo(my_typed_list=[my_bar,])No we have my_bar`added to the list of `foo.
Above you can see that we use a python list (not TypedList)
to create the foo instance with the my_typed_list attribute.Flatty, flat it!
>>> flatted = foo.flatit() >>> print flatted {'my_typed_list': [{'a_num': 42, 'a_str': 'hello world', 'a_thing': 'whatever type here'}]}Voila, this is the flattened dictionary you get.
Per default just instances of type Schema, datetime, date, time will be flattened. But if - for example - your marshaller don't understand integers just strings you can easily add a Converter for type int (see reference).
The flatted can now be stored using your favorite low-level marshaller (couchdb, json, yaml, xml, etc).
Next we see how we can restore objects only using the flatted data and the schema.
>>> restored_obj = Foo.unflatit(flatted) >>> isinstance(restored_obj, Foo) True >>> isinstance(restored_obj.my_typed_list[0], Bar) True >>> restored_obj.my_typed_list[0].a_num 42The restored_obj is a new object filled with the data of flatted
If you find any issues please report them on https://github.com/ceelian/Flatty/issues
You can get the python package on the Python Package Index
The git repository is available at github.com Flatty
can be installed via the Python Package Index of from source.
Using easy_install
to install Flatty
$ easy_install Flatty
If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it by doing the following:
$ python setup.py build $ python setup.py install
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We are welcome everyone who wants to contribute to Flatty. Development of Flatty happens at https://github.com/ceelian/Flatty
Flatty is released under the BSD License. The full license text is in the root folder of the Flatty Package.