This project is using Angular CLI.
Angular 8+ demo project based created with my angular starter.
#clone repository
git clone
#Enter in app folder
cd ngx-demo
#Install package
#Start developement web server
yarn start
use login :
/ pwd : superadminpwd
to connect
The application's backend is available on If you don't want to install backend locally, use the demo api for development environment by changing apiHost in environment.ts
export const environment = {
apiHost: '',
export const environment = {
apiHost: '',
yarn start
run a development web server (http://localhost:4200) that watches the filesyarn test
run all the jest unit tests onceyarn test:watch
watch all the source files and run all the unit tests when any changeyarn lint
check that the code follows style rulesyarn build
create a production build of the application
The project can run as docker container. This will run application build with nginx web server :
make dev
- then navigate to http://localhost:82
- RxJS - Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript
- @ngrx/store - Bindings to connect the Angular Router to @ngrx/store
- @ngrx/effects - Side effect model for @ngrx/store
- @ngrx/router-store - Bindings to connect the Angular Router to @ngrx/store
- @ngrx/store-devtools - Instrumentation for @ngrx/store enabling time-travel debugging
- @angular/router - Angular Router
- @angular/service-worker - Help precaching data
- ngx-bootrap - Bootstrap components powered by angular
- @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome - Font Awesome 5 Angular component using SVG with JS
- @ngx-translate/core - The internationalization (i18n) library
- angular2-toaster - Toaster Notification library
- normalizr - Data Normalization
- jest - JavaScript test runner with easy setup, isolated browser testing and snapshot testing