Welcome to my portfolio! Creating a project portfolio can be an exciting yet daunting task. From deciding what technologies to use to crafting the perfect design, there are many considerations to keep in mind. In today's world, having a professional and impressive online presence is crucial, especially for those in creative fields. A project portfolio is an excellent way to showcase your work and skills, and with the right tools and technologies, it's easier than ever to create an impressive portfolio website.
In terms of content, my portfolio showcases a few of my previous projects, a home page, an ‘about me’ section with a downloadable CV plus a functional contact form created via react-hook-form. The whole website is fully responsive, and will adjust to the size of the screen it is being viewed on. I have set up a custom domain for this website via Cloudflare. The link to the deployed site is here: https://www.cedekpoole.com. I hope you enjoy it!
- React.js
- Next.js
- Sanity io (headless CMS)
- Tailwind CSS
- TypeScript
- Vercel
- npm (react-form-hook, framer-motion, react-icons)
On the whole, I found that TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and React.js worked together seamlessly and provided a great developer experience. The combination of these technologies allowed me to build a high-quality web application quickly and efficiently. In addition to this, Next.js was used for speed and routing, and Sanity was utilised as means to easily add new project data. I had a very pleasant experience with both of these technologies! If you're a web developer looking for a modern and effective development stack, I highly recommend giving these technologies a try.
Here are some screenshots of the website:
Home Page
The home page features a hero image with a short introduction about myself.
Projects Page
The next section is a ‘projects’ section, which features a few of my previous projects. The projects are displayed in a grid, and each project features a title, a short description, a link to the project’s GitHub repository, and a link to the project’s live website. The projects are also fully responsive, and will adjust to the size of the screen they are being viewed on.
About Me Page
The next section is an ‘about me’ section which displays a link to a downloadable CV (in PDF format) and a list of skills and technologies that I have had experience with.
Contact Me Page
The final section is a ‘contact me’ section, which features a contact form. The contact form is created using react-hook-form, and is fully functional. The contact form features a name field, an email field and a message field. The contact form also features a submit button, which will send the user’s message to my email address.
The footer features links to my social media accounts. It provides users easy access to my GitHub and LinkedIn profiles, in addition to my CV and contact form.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (please see the LICENSE file for more information).
- Some of the assets were taken from the Streamline Icons website.
Even though I see this website as complete, that is not to say that I will not add further improvements to it in the future. If I find tech that would synergise well with the rest of the app, I plan to use it. On top of this, I will make sure that my previous projects section is up-to-date with my latest builds. If you have any suggestions on how I could improve the overall design and functionality of my portfolio, feel free to contact me :).
If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact me directly at cameron-edek-poole@gmail.com.
You can find more of my work by clicking on my GitHub username: cedekpoole. Feel free to also add me on LinkedIn!