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add emulator with new types
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Theodor Christian Herwig committed Mar 25, 2021
1 parent 9d45304 commit 95c3e28
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Showing 2 changed files with 312 additions and 0 deletions.
309 changes: 309 additions & 0 deletions L1Trigger/Phase2L1ParticleFlow/plugins/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
#include <vector>
#include <ap_int.h>
#include <ap_fixed.h>
#include <TVector2.h>

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/global/EDProducer.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"

#include "DataFormats/L1TParticleFlow/interface/PFCandidate.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/EtSum.h"
#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"

using namespace l1t;

class L1MetPfProducerNewTypes : public edm::global::EDProducer<> {
explicit L1MetPfProducerNewTypes(const edm::ParameterSet&);
~L1MetPfProducerNewTypes() override;

void produce(edm::StreamID, edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) const override;
edm::EDGetTokenT<vector<l1t::PFCandidate>> _l1PFToken;

const long unsigned int maxCands_=128;

// quantization controllers
typedef ap_ufixed<14,12, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> pt_t; // LSB is 0.25 and max is 4 TeV
typedef ap_int<12> phi_t; // LSB is pi/720 ~ 0.0044 and max is +/-8.9
const float ptLSB_ = 0.25; // GeV
const float phiLSB_ = M_PI/720; // rad

// derived, helper types
typedef ap_fixed<pt_t::width+1,pt_t::iwidth+1, AP_RND, AP_SAT> pxy_t;
typedef ap_fixed<2*pt_t::width,2*pt_t::iwidth, AP_RND, AP_SAT> pt2_t;
// derived, helper constants
const float maxPt_ = ((1<<pt_t::width)-1)*ptLSB_;
const phi_t hwPi_ = round(M_PI/phiLSB_);
const phi_t hwPiOverTwo_ = round(M_PI/(2*phiLSB_));

typedef ap_ufixed<pt_t::width,0> inv_t; // can't easily use the MAXPT/pt trick with ap_fixed

// to make configurable...
const int dropBits_=2;
const int dropFactor_=(1<<dropBits_);
const int invTableBits_=10;
const int invTableSize_=(1<<invTableBits_);

// static constexpr uint PT_SIZE = 16;
// static constexpr uint PT2_SIZE = 2*PT_SIZE;
// static constexpr uint PT_DEC_BITS = 2;
// static constexpr uint PHI_SIZE = 10;
// typedef ap_uint<PT_SIZE> pt_t;
// typedef ap_int<PT_SIZE+1> pxy_t;
// typedef ap_uint<PT2_SIZE> pt2_t;
// typedef ap_int<PHI_SIZE> phi_t;
// const float pt_lsb = 1./(1<<PT_DEC_BITS); // GeV
// const float phi_lsb = 2*M_PI/(1<<PHI_SIZE); // rad

// for LUTs
// static constexpr int PROJ_TAB_SIZE = (1<<(PHI_SIZE-2));
// static constexpr int DROP_BITS = 2;
// static constexpr int INV_TAB_SIZE = (1<<(PT_SIZE-DROP_BITS));
// static constexpr int ATAN_SIZE = (PHI_SIZE-3);
// static constexpr int ATAN_TAB_SIZE = (1<<ATAN_SIZE);

// std::vector<pt_t> cos_table;
// std::vector<pt_t> sin_table;
// std::vector<pt_t> inv_table;
// std::vector<pt_t> atan_table;
// uint sinCosTableBits_;
// uint sinCosTableSize_;
// uint inverseDropBits_;
// uint inversionTableSize_;
// uint arcTanTableBits_;
// uint arcTanTableSize_;

// void init_projx_table(std::vector<pt_t> table_out);
// void init_projy_table(std::vector<pt_t> table_out);
// void init_inv_table(std::vector<pt_t> table_out);
// void init_atan_table(std::vector<pt_t> table_out);

void Project(pt_t pt, phi_t phi, pxy_t &pxy, bool isX, bool debug=false) const;
void PhiFromXY(pxy_t px, pxy_t py, phi_t &phi) const;

void CalcMetHLS(std::vector<float> pt, std::vector<float> phi,
reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector &metVector) const;

// void CalcMetFast(std::vector<float> pt, std::vector<float> phi,
// reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector &metVector) const;

// bool useHLS=true;

// // for alternate floating-pt implementation
// const float maxPt_ = (1<<(PT_SIZE-PT_DEC_BITS));
// const float inverseMax_ = (1<<(PT_SIZE-inverseDropBits_));

// inline double quantize(double value, double to_integer) const {
// return round(value * to_integer) / to_integer;
// };
// inline double bound(double value, double min, double max) const {
// return value > max ? max : (value < min ? min : value);
// };


L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::L1MetPfProducerNewTypes(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg)
: _l1PFToken(consumes<std::vector<l1t::PFCandidate>>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1PFObjects"))){
// sinCosTableBits_(cfg.getParameter<uint>("sinCosTableBits")),
// inverseDropBits_(cfg.getParameter<uint>("inverseDropBits")),
// arcTanTableBits_(cfg.getParameter<uint>("arcTanTableBits")){

produces<std::vector<l1t::EtSum> >();

// sinCosTableSize_ = 1<<sinCosTableBits_;
// cos_table.resize(sinCosTableSize_);
// sin_table.resize(sinCosTableSize_);

// inversionTableSize_ = (1<<(PT_SIZE-inverseDropBits_));
// inv_table.resize(inversionTableSize_);

// arcTanTableSize_ = 1<<arcTanTableBits_;
// atan_table.resize(arcTanTableSize_);

// init_projx_table( cos_table );
// init_projy_table( sin_table );
// init_inv_table( inv_table );
// init_atan_table( atan_table );

void L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::produce(edm::StreamID,
edm::Event& iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) const {

edm::Handle<l1t::PFCandidateCollection> l1PFCandidates;
iEvent.getByToken(_l1PFToken, l1PFCandidates);

std::vector<float> pt;
std::vector<float> phi;

for(long unsigned int i=0; i<l1PFCandidates->size() && i<maxCands_; i++){
const auto& l1PFCand = l1PFCandidates->at(i);
pt.push_back( );
phi.push_back( l1PFCand.phi() );

reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector metVector;

CalcMetHLS(pt, phi, metVector);

l1t::EtSum theMET(metVector, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kTotalHt, 0, 0, 0, 0);

std::unique_ptr<std::vector<l1t::EtSum> > metCollection(new std::vector<l1t::EtSum>(0));

void L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::CalcMetHLS(std::vector<float> pt, std::vector<float> phi,
reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector &metVector) const{
pxy_t hw_px = 0;
pxy_t hw_py = 0;
pxy_t hw_sumx = 0;
pxy_t hw_sumy = 0;

for(uint i=0; i< pt.size(); i++){
pt_t hw_pt = min(pt[i], maxPt_);
phi_t hw_phi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi( phi[i] ) / phiLSB_;

Project(hw_pt, hw_phi, hw_px, true);
Project(hw_pt, hw_phi, hw_py, false);

hw_sumx = hw_sumx - hw_px;
hw_sumy = hw_sumy - hw_py;

// printf("part %d (pt,phi) = float(%f, %f) hw(%f, %f = %f); (x,y) = float(%f, %f) hw(%f, %f); sumHW(%f, %f)\n",
// i, pt[i], TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi( phi[i] ), hw_pt.to_double(), hw_phi.to_double(), hw_phi.to_double()*phiLSB_,
// pt[i]*cos(phi[i]), pt[i]*sin(phi[i]), hw_px.to_double(), hw_py.to_double(),
// hw_sumx.to_double(), hw_sumy.to_double()
// );
// std::cout << std::endl;

pt2_t hw_met = pt2_t(hw_sumx)*pt2_t(hw_sumx) + pt2_t(hw_sumy)*pt2_t(hw_sumy);
hw_met = sqrt( int(hw_met) ); // stand-in for HLS::sqrt

phi_t hw_met_phi = 0;

metVector.SetPt( hw_met.to_double() );
metVector.SetPhi( hw_met_phi.to_double() * phiLSB_ );
// printf(" phi hw, float, real = %f, %f (%f rad from x,y = %f, %f) \n",
// phi.to_double(), phi.to_double() * (M_PI/hwPi_.to_double()), atan2(py.to_double(),px.to_double()), px.to_double(), py.to_double());


// Convert pt and phi to px (py)
// 1) Map phi to the first quadrant to reduce LUT size
// 2) Lookup sin(phiQ1), where the result is in [0,maxPt]
// which is used to encode [0,1].
// 3) Multiply pt by sin(phiQ1) to get px. Result will be px*maxPt, but
// wrapping multiplication is 'mod maxPt' so the correct value is returned.
// 4) Check px=-|px|.

void L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::Project(pt_t pt, phi_t phi, pxy_t &pxy, bool isX, bool debug) const{
// set phi to first quadrant
phi_t phiQ1 = (phi>0) ? phi : phi_t(-phi); // Q1/Q4
if(phiQ1 >= hwPiOverTwo_) phiQ1 = hwPi_ - phiQ1;

if (phiQ1 > hwPiOverTwo_){
std::cout << "unexpected phi (high)" << std::endl;
phiQ1 = hwPiOverTwo_;
} else if (phiQ1<0){
std::cout << "unexpected phi (low)" << std::endl;
phiQ1 = 0;
typedef ap_ufixed<14,12, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> pt_t; // LSB is 0.25 and max is 4 TeV
ap_ufixed<pt_t::width,0> cosPhi = cos(phiQ1.to_double() / hwPiOverTwo_.to_double() * M_PI/2);
// pt_t cosPhi = cos(phiQ1.to_double() / hwPiOverTwo_.to_double()) * maxPt_; // assume fixed tab size (pi/2=360)
pxy = pt * cosPhi;
//printf(" phi = %f, phiQ1 = %f, cosPhi = %f, pxy = %f \n", phi.to_double(), phiQ1.to_double(), cosPhi.to_double(), pxy.to_double() );
if (phi > hwPiOverTwo_ || phi < -hwPiOverTwo_) pxy = -pxy;
} else {
ap_ufixed<pt_t::width,0> sinPhi = sin(phiQ1.to_double() / hwPiOverTwo_.to_double() * M_PI/2);
// pt_t sinPhi = sin(phiQ1.to_double() / hwPiOverTwo_.to_double()) * maxPt_; // assume fixed tab size (pi/2=360)
pxy = pt * sinPhi;
if (phi < 0) pxy = -pxy;


// void L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::init_inv_table(std::vector<pt_t> table_out) {
// // multiply result by 1=2^(PT-SIZE)
// table_out[0]=(1<<PT_SIZE)-1;
// for (uint i = 1; i < inversionTableSize_; i++) {
// table_out[i] = round((1<<PT_SIZE) / float(i));
// }
// return;
// }
// void L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::init_atan_table(std::vector<pt_t> table_out) {
// // multiply result by 1=2^(PT-SIZE)
// table_out[0]=int(0);
// for (uint i = 1; i < arcTanTableSize_; i++) {
// table_out[i] = int(round(atan(float(i)/arcTanTableSize_) * (1<<(PHI_SIZE-3)) / (M_PI/4)));
// }
// return;
// }

void L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::PhiFromXY(pxy_t px, pxy_t py, phi_t &phi) const{
if(px==0 && py==0){ phi = 0; return; }
if(px==0){ phi = py>0 ? hwPiOverTwo_ : phi_t(-hwPiOverTwo_); return; }
if(py==0){ phi = px>0 ? phi_t(0) : phi_t(-hwPi_); return; }

// get q1 coordinates
pt_t x = px>0 ? pt_t(px) : pt_t(-px); //px>=0 ? px : -px;
pt_t y = py>0 ? pt_t(py) : pt_t(-py); //px>=0 ? px : -px;
// transform so a<b
pt_t a = x<y ? x : y;
pt_t b = x<y ? y : x;

if (b.to_double() > maxPt_ / dropFactor_) b = maxPt_ / dropFactor_;
// map [0,max/4) to inv table size
int index = round((b.to_double()/(maxPt_/dropFactor_)) * invTableSize_);
float bcheck = (float(index) / invTableSize_) * (maxPt_/dropFactor_);
inv_t inv_b = 1./((float(index) / invTableSize_) * (maxPt_/dropFactor_));

inv_t a_over_b = a * inv_b;

printf(" a, b = %f, %f; index, inv = %d, %f; ratio = %f \n", a.to_double(), b.to_double(),index, inv_b.to_double(), a_over_b.to_double() );
printf(" bcheck, 1/bc = %f, %f -- %d %f %d \n", bcheck, 1./bcheck, invTableSize_ , maxPt_, dropFactor_ );

int atanTableBits_=7;
int atanTableSize_=(1<<atanTableBits_);
index = round(a_over_b.to_double() * atanTableSize_);
phi = atan(float(index) / atanTableSize_) / phiLSB_;

printf(" atan index, phi = %d, %f (%f rad) real atan(a/b)= %f \n", index, phi.to_double(),
phi.to_double() * (M_PI/hwPi_.to_double()), atan(a.to_double()/b.to_double()));

// rotate from (0,pi/4) to full quad1
if(y>x) phi = hwPiOverTwo_ - phi; //phi = pi/2 - phi
// other quadrants
if( px < 0 && py > 0 ) phi = hwPi_ - phi; // Q2 phi = pi - phi
if( px > 0 && py < 0 ) phi = -phi; // Q4 phi = -phi
if( px < 0 && py < 0 ) phi = -(hwPi_ - phi); // Q3 composition of both

// if(y>x) phi = hwPiOverTwo_ - phi;
// if(px<0) phi = hwPi_ - phi;
// if(py<0) phi = - phi;
printf(" phi hw, float, real = %f, %f (%f rad from x,y = %f, %f) \n",
phi.to_double(), phi.to_double() * (M_PI/hwPi_.to_double()), atan2(py.to_double(),px.to_double()), px.to_double(), py.to_double());


L1MetPfProducerNewTypes::~L1MetPfProducerNewTypes() {}

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions L1Trigger/Phase2L1ParticleFlow/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,3 +6,6 @@
inverseDropBits = cms.uint32(2),
arcTanTableBits = cms.uint32(7)
L1MetPfProducerNT = cms.EDProducer("L1MetPfProducerNewTypes",
L1PFObjects = cms.InputTag("L1PFProducer","l1pfCandidates"),

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