TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code
based on the TRUST platform.
It offers, in addition to TRUST modules, different physical modules such as:
- Turbulence LES & RANS models
- Front-Tracking
- Radiation
- ALE for fluid-structure interactions
- Turbulence (RANS) with multiphase problems
This software is OpenSource (BSD license).
New TrioCFD version released v1.9.5
Table of contents
- What's new?
- How to install?
- TrioCFD Release notes
TRUST/TrioCFD support team:
1. What's new ?
Front Tracking discontinu : Syntaxe in datafiles is now similar to TRUST/TrioCFD datafiles:
- Equations to be solved in a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem should not be read and associated to the problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem in a solved_equations bloc.
- Medium (Fluide_Diphasique, Fluid_Incompressible, solid, constituent, ...) is no more read and associated to a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem bloc.
- Gravity is no more read and associated to a medium for Front-Tracking-Discontinu datafiles. It is read directly in the medium.
- Interface with the MFront/MGIS C++ library ( to integrate a mechanical behaviour for ALE grid motion
2. How to install ?
If TRUST-1.9.5 is not already installed, install it with:
git clone TRUST-1.9.5
cd TRUST-1.9.5
# or, if problem with ftp:
# wget "" -O externalpackages-1.9.5.tar
tar xf externalpackages-1.9.5.tar
./configure $OPTIONS
cd ..
Then, install TrioCFD-1.9.5 using:
git clone TrioCFD-1.9.5
cd TrioCFD-1.9.5
git checkout v1.9.5
source PathToTRUST-1.9.5/
baltik_build_configure -execute
make optim debug
3. TrioCFD Release notes version 1.9.5 : Enhancements, modifications and corrected bugs since version 1.9.4 :
(TrioCFD) New feature : Sensibility Analisis - module based on the Polynomial Chaos Method.
(TrioCFD) New feature : ALE - Interface with the MFront/MGIS C++ library to integrate a mechanical behaviour for ALE grid motion
(TrioCFD) Bug fix : TrioCFD - In VEF, Viscous forces on boundaries (printed in _Contrainte_visqueuse.out files) in incompressible Navier-Stokes equations were computed as Integral(-mu*grad(u)ndS). It is now computed as Integral(-mu(grad(u) +grad(u)^T)*ndS).
(TrioCFD) Minor change: TrioCFD - C++17 compilers are now mandatory
(TrioCFD) Keyword : FTD - keyword juric_pour_tout was obsolete and did nothing, not allowed anymore in datafiles.
(TrioCFD) Bug fix : FT IJK - valgrind issue in shear periodic conditions fixed
(TrioCFD) Bug fix : FT IJK - Performance regression since v1.9.4 ('New shear periodic conditions') fixed
(TrioCFD) Major Change: FTD - Equations to be solved in a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem should not be read and associated to the problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem in a solved_equations bloc. New syntax is:
Probleme_FT_Disc_gen pb
read pb {
solved_equations { Navier_stokes_FT_disc hydraulique
Transport_interfaces_FT_disc interf
Fluide_diphasique {
fluide0 Fluide_incompressible { mu ... rho ... }
fluide1 Fluide_incompressible { mu ... rho ... }
sigma ...
gravite ...
hydraulique { ... }
interf { ... }
solve pb
(TrioCFD) Major Change: FTD - Medium (Fluide_Diphasique, Fluid_Incompressible, solid, constituent, ...) is no more read and associated to a Front-Tracking-discontinu problem. It should be read at the begining of each problem bloc.
(TrioCFD) Major Change: FTD - Gravity is no more read and associated to a medium for Front-Tracking-Discontinu datafiles. It is read directly in the medium.
(TrioCFD) Bug fix : Turbulence - Fix a bug for k-omega which introduces differences between sequential and parallel calculation
(TrioCFD) Bug fix : FT IJK - stat_diph_gradUP_jdd1 test case in debug mode