Release 1.4
Kicksmash FW
- Added ability to set Power LED brightness "set led <%>"
- Added preliminary (untested) 32-bit ROM low/high swap support
- Fixed looped delay cmd clobbering time suffix (ie: loop 5 delay 10ms)
- Added "cpu hardfault" command to generate a firmware hard fault
- Added resume and command line recovery attempts at firmware fault
- Reworked Amiga long reset handling to now hopefully correctly detect it
- Improved Kicksmash message handling to be slightly faster
- "prom log 999" now shows both address buffer bases
- Bad message length is now detected (bug caused Kicksmash FW crash)
- Fault LED should now blink even during Amiga ROM programming
- A new input sequence ^R^E^S^E^T will force the KickSmash FW to reset
- Added stand-alone DFU bootloader for less problematic firmware updates
- Added "reset dfurom" for STM32 ROM-based ROM updater
- Flash write LED now also illuminates when writing flash from host
- Fixed pin tests to correctly detect if D31, A18 and A19 are connected
- Enhanced pin tests to set alert LED when problems are found with the flash
- Disabled Amiga-in-reset detection when KBRST is not connected in Amiga
- Increased 5V warning limit to 5.4V (A4000T has higher MB voltage)
- Added automatic retry of any failed Kicksmash command
- Removed Return/Enter as a quick select for switch & reboot
- Improved message fault recovery to spin until ROM is consistent
- Fixed looped delay cmd clobbering time suffix (ie: loop 5 delay 10ms)
- Fixed fatal errors to correctly exit on Windows
- Fixed bug on Windows where programming failed due to timeout
- The bank option is now required for read, write, verify, or erase
- Two ROM images may now be specified for programming (will be merged)
- Flash image write/verify swap mode is now automatically detected
- The -t command now takes an optional command to send to KickSmash
- On Windows now lists available COM ports if "-d " is not specified
- Bank size now defaults to 512 KB, even when writing smaller image