a proof of concept for a kiosk app to add users to a mailing list or check them in at an event
========== Steps for setting up the basic app
- it will utilize AppConnect - Constant Contact's Developer API Developers will need to setup a Mashery Account to get an API key :
the file developerFlow.doc in this repository contains instructions for signing up for both Mashery and a Constant Contact trail account, including the step for linking them.
- This repository contains the basic framework for the Application, including the login.
~ Get List ? ~ Add to List ? ~ Get the basic app framework uploaded to this repo ( including API key )
Goals of the Exercise :
replicate the sign-up form
thank you page
automatic return to form upon submit
bonus round - create an event signup option
- Fork this repo from github
- Clone your fork to your local machine.
- Copy the config/initializers/_secret_tokens.rb.example file to _secret_tokens.rb (note this file is git-ignored so you don't accidently put your private keys on github)
- Open config/initializers/_secret_tokens.rb in your editor of choice
- Run: 'bundle install'
- Run 'rake secret' to generate a new rails secret key.
- Paste this key into the _secret_tokens.rb file on the line for 'BootstrapKioskApp::Application.config.secret_key_base
- Sign up for an API key through mashery: https://constantcontact.mashery.com/
- Create a new application by clicking API Keys, then Applications ** Make sure to enter the following as the 'Redirect URI for OAuth calls' http://localhost:3000/users/auth/constantcontact/callback
- Enter the api key and secret key into the _secret_tokens.rb file.
- Register for a ConstantContact account, and verify your account email address
- Start your rails server with rails s
- Click 'sign in'
- Enter your constantcontact login information * your username should be the email address you signed up with *
You should now be a all set up!
Keep in mind that if other people work on your app they will need a copy of your _secret_tokens file, which should not be in github.