A Saliency-Guided Street View Image Inpainting Framework for Efficient Last-Meters Wayfinding [Paper]
We propose a saliency-guided street view image inpainting method, which can remove distracting objects to redirect human visual attention to static landmarks. This work has been accepted by ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Overview of the proposed saliency-guided street view image inpainting framework. It consists of three building blocks: hierarchical salient object selection, saliency-guided image inpainting based on fast Fourier convolutions (FFCs), and measurement of human visual attention by visual attention changes and a self-developed last-meters wayfinding testing platform. Note that modeling the interaction between saliency detection and image inpainting leads to effective removal of distracting objects for last-meters wayfinding.
Hierarchical salient object selection based on Image Segemmentation (DeepLabv3+, Model) and Salient Object Detection (U^2Net).
Finetuned on LaMa model (link)
Evaluation of human visual changes based on UNISAL network (link) and a self-developed human labelling program.
For more details please refer to our paper:
title={A saliency-guided street view image inpainting framework for efficient last-meters wayfinding},
author={Hu, Chuanbo and Jia, Shan and Zhang, Fan and Li, Xin},
journal={ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing},