Releases: cbaie9/wpcKiller
Protocol update part 1
Here the protocol update for better updating because the lastest was difficult to install for some computer
You can use now a Url to update ( i will give it later because i m testing it with the the second part of the update)
There are two part in this update because i have a utilitaries for debuging, updating and deleting
The second will come out soon
-) password of exe : cb9
ngkiller and Wpckiller (1.4.0 )
Hello i have new for you
i release Ngkiller an altertive who hide the true code and give you an excuse for your administrator to lunch in admin the program
it install NationsGlory ( an cracked minecraft server) and Wpckiller and apply the patch when you retart your pc
-) Ngkiller and Wpckiller will now be in exe for simple execution and no one steal my code :/
-) 1.4.1
-) optisation of code
password of exes : cb9
[ update ] i lost ngkiller source code but the majority of the code is online so the it's always updated when you install ( Wpckiller too )
For updating you can use the update new to update 1.4.0 to upper version ( you can also use the older version to update 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
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