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Terraform AWS Network Module

Terraform module which creates VPC, Subnet, IG, EIP, NAT Gateway on AWS.


This module is to help you create vpc resources in AWS. Please refer to Examples for examples of usage. In the following, I will explain the usage and structure in a simple way.


# VPC #
module "network" {
  source = "../../"

  project_name     = "simple"
  environment_name = "example"

  vpc_cidr           = ""
  region_name        = "ap-northeast-2"
  availability_zones = ["a", "c"]

  without_nat       = false
  create_nat_per_az = true
  nat_deploy_module = "bastion"

  public_subnets = {
    front = ["", /* "", */ "", /* "" */]
    # front2  = ["", "", "", ""]
    bastion = ["", /* "", */ "", /* "" */]

  public_subnets_tag = {
    front = {
      "" = 1

  private_subnets = {
    personal = ["", /* "", */ "", /* "" */]
    # rest     = ["", "", "", ""]
    database = ["", /* "", */ "", /* "" */]

  private_subnets_tag = {
    personal = {
      "" = 1


Name Version
aws ~> 4.0


Name Version
aws ~> 4.0


Name Source Version
namer cawcaw253/namer/aws 1.0.0
region cawcaw253/region/aws 1.0.0


Name Type
aws_eip.nat resource
aws_internet_gateway.this resource
aws_nat_gateway.this resource
aws_route.internet_gateway resource
aws_route.nat_gateway resource
aws_route_table.private_route resource
aws_route_table.public_route resource
aws_route_table_association.private_route resource
aws_route_table_association.public_route resource
aws_subnet.private_subnet resource
aws_subnet.public_subnet resource
aws_vpc.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
availability_zones list of availability zones which use list(string)
create_nat_per_az Boolean value for create nat gateway per availability zones. If value is true, create nat gateway per azs, if false create only 1 nat gateway and share it bool true no
default_tags Default tags map(string) {} no
environment_name Name of environment string "dev" no
nat_deploy_module The name of the module in which to deploy the NAT gateway. Module is key value of public_subnets variable. string null no
private_subnets Configurations of private subnet map(list(string)) n/a yes
private_subnets_tag Setting tag to specific private subnet map(map(string)) {} no
project_name Name of project string n/a yes
public_subnets Configurations of public subnet map(list(string)) n/a yes
public_subnets_tag Setting tag to specific public subnet map(map(string)) {} no
region_name name of aws region. if not set value, it automatically set providers current region. string null no
vpc_cidr CIDR Block for the VPC string n/a yes
without_nat Boolean value for using nat gateway or not bool false no


Name Description
availability_zones List of Availability Zones where subnets were created
igw_id The ID of the Internet Gateway
nat_gateway_ids IDs of the NAT Gateways created
private_route_table_ids IDs of the created private route tables
private_subnet_cidrs CIDR list of private subnets
private_subnet_ids ID list of private subnets
public_route_table_ids IDs of the created public route tables
public_subnet_cidrs CIDR list of public subnets
public_subnet_ids ID list of public subnets
vpc_arn The ARN of the VPC
vpc_cidr_block The primary IPv4 CIDR block of the VPC
vpc_id ID of the VPC