- "Full Speed Python" on Educative (≅ 9h)
- "Java Developer Track" on JetBrains Academy (> 100h)
- "Python Core Track" on JetBrains Academy (> 100h)
- "Become an Angular Developer Path" on Educative (≅ 140h)
- "TypeScript for Front-End Developers Path" on Educative (177 lessons)
- "Make Your Own Neural Network in Python" on Educative (≅ 6h)
- "Web Security and Access Management: JWT, OAuth2 & OpenId Connect" on Educative (≅ 5h)
- "Fundamentals of DevOps Path" on Educative (Network fundamentals, Git and GitHub, Docker for Developers)
- "Modern CSS with Tailwind" on Educative (≅ 5h)
- "The Ultimate Guide to Rust Programming" on Educative (≅ 8h)
- "Practical Security: Simple Practices for Defending Your Systems" on Educative (≅ 9h)