This repository is used to store the various Open Source tools, algorithms and libraries I write in Lua (or rather LuaJIT + FFI) that do not deserve their own repository.
These are mostly unmaintained prototypes and ideas I gave up on. Projects I become more serious about graduate to their own repositories, and sometimes projects that I stop maintaining end up here.
- bimap: mirrored map implementation
- blake2b: a Lua 5.3 implementation of BLAKE2b
- bsx: a small tool to manage a Beanstalk queue based on Haricot
- concurrent-dotproduct: a simple ConcurrentLua example (outdated)
- crdt: implementation of some Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types in Lua
- cwbase: deprecated in favor of base2base
- cwscripts: short Lua utility scripts
- cwtools: a small collection of useful functions
- decolonize: Tessel 1 examples using Lua directly (i.e without Colony)
- deque: simple deque implementation (similar to the lists used in fakeredis)
- etpan: incomplete libetpan binding
- fengari-canvas: an example of how to use a canvas with Fengari
- fengari-pixi: PixiJS + Fengari
- vengari-vue-luacc-example: Vue + Fengari
- git: toy implementation of parts of Git
- iatax: a LÖVE remake of an old Perl/SDL game I wrote in 2004
- iris-lua: an Iris client
- itc.lua: a Lua implementation of Interval Tree Clocks
- lua-chacha: a C and a pure Lua module implementing the ChaCha stream cipher
- lua-mdb: pure Lua code to read LMDB databases
- lua-mirrorfs: a FUSE filesystem that mirrors a directory (uses Flu)
- lua-pipe: syntax experiment, Lua version of Pipe in Python
- lua-zerorpc: ZeroRPC implementation
- luajit-msgpack: LuaJIT FFI-based module for MessagePack
- lualua: an unfinished implementation of Lua 5.2 in LuaJIT
- micrograd: a port of micrograd
- nsqc: a NSQ client
- sha256: a SHA-256 implementation in pure LuaJIT+FFI
- tcpchat: simple TCP chat + Lua interpreter with LuaSocket
- unix: luaposix sample code (and C counterparts)
- wolfram: playing with Wolfram's Basic Form of Models in Teal