Rotcrypt is a simple rotation based substitution cipher utility program, used to rotate a string's letter indices based on a specified rotation input sequence. This can either be a single digit which is applied to the entire string or a set of inputs that are performed in sequence on the desired string.
To build the application run the following command in the src directory.
$ javac com/catlinman/rotcrypt/
Following up, to run the program from the command line.
$ java -cp . com.catlinman.rotcrypt.Program
You can also build a jar file and package up the program which is recommended in
most cases. Don't forget to run javac
$ jar cfm Rotcrypt.jar com/catlinman/rotcrypt/*.class
From there on you can run the application using java -jar Rotcrypt.jar
The program itself can be run in two separate modes. The first being the default graphical user interface while the other is the command line approach, which allows for the passing of a file name and a rotation sequence. The output is a new file with the file's rotated contents. The syntax for the command line launch is so the following:
$ java -jar Rotcrypt.jar [Input file path] [Rotation integer or array]
This repository is released under the MIT license. For more information please refer to LICENSE