This is a project of Connect Four game. It has a well tested model and controller, as well as a user-friendly minimal GUI. When users are playing, the player with red pieces will go first.
- The current user need to click the row they want to drop the next piece
- The player with red pieces will always move first
- the players's turns are automatically taken care of, it will show the player's turn at the top of the GUI
- When the game is over, or when the player decide to start fresh, they can click the Restart button and start from an empty board.
Open your terminal, navigate to the folder that contains the JAR file. For example,
cd res
Use command
java -jar ConnectFourGUI.jar
to run the JAR file.
- Aftern running the JAR file, the GUI will be displayed.
- We will see the instruction "Click a row when it is your turn", and "Player RED's turn" on top of the GUI.
- Below is a grid of 6 * 7. When the user click any column of the grid, a round circle (the piece) with color red or yellow will be displayed.
- The color of the circle will match with the current player (RED or YELLOW).
- The users will keep playing until the game ends.
- There are three possible outcome when the game ends: RED wins, Yellow wins, and a draw. Those outcomes will be displayed on top of the GUI.
- I am using the classic 6 * 7 board. If users need a customized board, they can simply change the parameters in my main class.
- When testing my controller of the connect four game, I have to use a mock model and a mock view. However, it is hard to test my GUI entensively.
- I ran my JAR files several times and tried different playing strategies. Also, I invite my classmates to test this file.
- In the future, I will learn how to automatically test a GUI, hence make my program more reliable.
Documentation of Package javax.swing