WRF-Chem model setup & code for analysis of research paper:
Mogno, C., Palmer, P. I., Knote, C., Yao, F., and Wallington, T. J.: Seasonal distribution and drivers of surface fine particulate matter and organic aerosol over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 10881–10909, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-10881-2021, 2021.
The repository includes:
- model setup: WRF-Chem namelist.wps and namelist.input.
- instructions for code changes (perturbation of biogenic emissions).
- clean_observations : scripts for processing of raw ground-based observations data to be compared with model outputs.
- emissions: scripts for emissions analysis and emissions perturbation over the IGP.
- meteo: scripts for analysisng modeled meteorological varaibles over the IGP.
- model_evaluation: scripts for comapring model outputs with ground based obsevations, literature data and AOD.
- PM25_OA: scripts for analysis of modeled PM2.5 and OA seasonal distribution, composition and sensitivity to emissions.
This code is licensed under the GPLv3.0 License.