Web scrapper for IMDB
This script will receive a genre from user, then will tabularize top 50 movies as per US votes sorted in decreasing order of their Imdb ratings in a final_output.xlsx
I have used web scrapping to get the data of various top rated movies of different genre from Imdb.
I have implemented a JSON file to store the data from scraping and used Pandas to tabularize it.
Use of the following genres are allowed (it makes up mostly all):
- Action
- Adventure
- Animation
- Biography
- Comedy
- Crime
- Documentary
- Drama
- Family
- Fantasy
- Film-Noir
- History
- Horror
- Music
- Musical
- Mystery
- Romance
- Sci-Fi
- Sport
- Thriller
- War
- Western
- Platform: Linux
Python Version >=3.7
Build form source:
$ git clone https://github.com/catchharsh/Imdb_scrapper
$ cd Imdb_scrapper
$ pip install beautifulsoup4
$ pip install requests
$ pip install openpyxl
$ python3 scraper.py
('Enter your genre')
$ python3 parse.py
NOTE: It will create final_output.xlsx where the data is stored.