A Django framework for IATI data access
python3.7 nodejs (tested with v12)
python3.7 -m venv env . env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt # django channels aiohttp channels_redis npm i
docker-compose up -d
./manage.py makemigrations ./manage.py migrate ./manage/py shell_plus
- Channels is an async framework which sends/handles/receives messages
- Channels and aiohttp work to pull in content of URLS and notify that they're ready
- We run a
process to handle these messages for the differentConsumers
we have
./manage.py runworker request iati organisation
Once done, you should be able to (in different window) shell_plus and run
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
from channels.layers import get_channel_layer
async_to_sync(get_channel_layer().send)('request',{'type': 'get'})
async_to_sync(get_channel_layer().send)('iati', {'type': 'parse_xml', 'url': 'https://ngoaidmap.org/iati/organizations/225'})
Mypy should return no errors.
(iati-post) josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post$ mypy --config mypy.ini .
(iati-post) josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post$ pytest iati_fetch/tests/
With coverage:
(iati-post) josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post$ pytest --cov=iati_post iati_fetch/tests/
See here
pipenv install --dev ipykernel django_extensions jupyterlab
ipython kernel install --user --name='iati_post' --display-name='IATI Post'
Installed kernelspec iati_post in /home/josh/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/iati_post
edit the kernel.json
file in the returned directory
"argv": [
"display_name": "IATI Post",
"language": "python"
"argv": [
"display_name": "IATI Post",
"language": "python",
"env": {
"DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "iati_post.settings",
"PYTHONPATH": "$PYTHONPATH:/home/josh/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/i$
Note changes including env
, and the (not required but very useful) notebook extension
pipenv run jupyter lab
Start a new project like this
EDITOR=nano tmuxinator new iatipost
or (if already have session)
EDITOR=nano tmuxinator start iatipost
Copy iatipost.yml
to ~/.tmuxinator
This runs a shell and some handlers
Expect no output from the following:
josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post$ pipenv run isort -rc .
josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post$ pipenv run black .
josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post$ pipenv run flake8 .
josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post$ autopep8 -ir --aggressive --aggressive .
Also expect all tests to pass
- Prefer Google style docstrings
- Build docs with sphinx:
josh@josh-ThinkPad-T420:~/github/catalpainternational/iati-post/iati_post/docs$ pipenv run make html