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test: find_auto_consume
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scarf005 committed Apr 11, 2023
1 parent c4a7b40 commit bb77112
Showing 1 changed file with 171 additions and 0 deletions.
171 changes: 171 additions & 0 deletions tests/find_auto_consume_test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
#include "avatar.h"
#include "character.h"
#include "clzones.h"
#include "itype.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "item.h"
#include "activity_handlers.h"
#include "avatar_action.h"
#include "item_location.h"
#include "pickup.h"
#include "calendar.h"
#include "player_helpers.h"
#include "state_helpers.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "type_id.h"

#include "catch/catch.hpp"

/** food items are counted by charges */
static auto get_single_food_item( const tripoint &pos ) -> const item &
map &here = get_map();
const auto &items = here.i_at( pos );
CHECK( items.size() == 1 );

return *items.begin();

TEST_CASE( "auto_consume_priority", "[auto_consume][food][zone]" )

map &here = get_map();
auto &zmgr = zone_manager::get_manager();

constexpr auto zone_origin = tripoint{ 60, 60, 0 };
tripoint zone_origin_absolute = here.getabs( zone_origin );
constexpr auto zone_size = tripoint{ 6, 6, 0 };

avatar &you = get_avatar();
you.setpos( zone_origin );

static auto create_zone = [&]( const std::string & name ) -> void {
zmgr.add( name, zone_type_id( name ),
faction_id( "your_followers" ), false, true,
zone_origin_absolute - zone_size,
zone_origin_absolute + zone_size );

static auto place_items = [&]( const std::vector<std::pair<item, tripoint>> &item_pairs ) -> void {
for( const auto &[ item, pos ] : item_pairs )
here.add_item_or_charges( pos, item );

static const auto auto_consume = [&]( consume_type consume ) {
return [&you, consume]( int count ) -> bool {
bool ok = true;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
ok &= find_auto_consume( you, consume );
return ok;

using PosCounts = std::vector<std::pair<tripoint, int>>;

SECTION( "auto_eat" ) {
static const auto check_item_count =
[&]( const PosCounts & expected ) -> void {
for( const auto&[ pos, count ] : expected )
if( count == 0 ) {
INFO( "expected empty at " << pos );
CHECK( here.i_at( pos ).empty() );
} else {
INFO( "expected " << count << " at " << pos );
CHECK( get_single_food_item( pos ).count() == count );

static const auto auto_eat = auto_consume( consume_type::FOOD );

you.set_stored_kcal( 1000 );

create_zone( "AUTO_EAT" );

auto meat = item{ "meat_cooked", calendar::turn, 5 }; // shelf life: 2 days
auto meat_pos = zone_origin;
auto nuts = item{ "pine_nuts", calendar::turn, 5 }; // shelf life: 3 seasons
auto nuts_pos = zone_origin + tripoint( 1, 0, 0 );
auto hardtack = item{ "hardtack", calendar::turn, 5 }; // shelf life: 6 years
auto hardtack_pos = zone_origin + tripoint( 2, 0, 0 );

place_items( { { meat, meat_pos }, { nuts, nuts_pos }, { hardtack, hardtack_pos } } );

CHECK( auto_eat( 5 ) );
check_item_count( { { meat_pos, 0 }, { nuts_pos, 5 }, { hardtack_pos, 5 } } );
CHECK( auto_eat( 5 ) );
check_item_count( { { meat_pos, 0 }, { nuts_pos, 0 }, { hardtack_pos, 5 } } );
CHECK( auto_eat( 5 ) );
check_item_count( { { meat_pos, 0 }, { nuts_pos, 0 }, { hardtack_pos, 0 } } );

// check that the player has consumed the food
CHECK( you.stomach.get_calories() > 1000 );

SECTION( "auto_drink" ) {
static const auto check_drink_amount =
[&]( const PosCounts & expected ) -> void {
for( const auto&[ pos, count ] : expected )
auto jar = get_single_food_item( pos );
auto &contained = jar.get_contained();
INFO( contained.tname() << " has " << contained.count() << " charges" );
if( count == 0 ) {
CHECK( contained.is_null() );
} else {
CHECK( contained.count() == count );

static const auto auto_drink = auto_consume( consume_type::DRINK );

create_zone( "AUTO_DRINK" );

auto jar = itype_id{"jar_3l_glass"};
auto water = item( "water_clean" );
auto water_bottle = water.in_container( jar );
auto water_pos = zone_origin;
auto orange = item( "oj" ); // 5 days
auto orange_bottle = orange.in_container( jar );
auto orange_pos = zone_origin + tripoint( 1, 0, 0 );
auto cocoa = item( "hot_chocolate" ); // 1 day
auto cocoa_bottle = cocoa.in_container( jar );
auto cocoa_pos = zone_origin + tripoint( 2, 0, 0 );

place_items( { { water_bottle, water_pos }, { orange_bottle, orange_pos }, { cocoa_bottle, cocoa_pos } } );

SECTION( "full character won't drink drink with calories" ) {
you.set_stored_kcal( you.max_stored_kcal() );
you.set_thirst( 700 );

check_drink_amount( { { water_pos, 12 }, { orange_pos, 12 }, { cocoa_pos, 12 } } );
CHECK( auto_drink( 6 ) );
check_drink_amount( { { water_pos, 6 }, { orange_pos, 12 }, { cocoa_pos, 12 } } );

CHECK( you.get_thirst() < 700 );

SECTION( "hungry character will drink drink with calories" ) {
you.set_thirst( 700 );
you.set_stored_kcal( 1000 );

CHECK( auto_drink( 12 ) );
INFO( "only cocoa should be consumed" );
// FIXME: can't figure out why water is replenished, but it is
check_drink_amount( { { water_pos, 12 }, { orange_pos, 12 }, { cocoa_pos, 0 } } );

CHECK( you.get_thirst() < 700 );

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