Vanilla JavaScript test assignment project
A simple vanilla JavaScript balloons popping game with a little CSS. Controls: left and right arrows.
- Current live version at
- Balloons are generated with random size/color/speed (currently, speed depends on the size of a balloon)
- There is a needle at the top of the game screen. Player can move it left/right
- If a balloon contacts with a needle, this balloon pops, and the user score increases
- There is a reverse countdown of 1 minute. Balloons stop generating when the time is up
- Balloons quantity should increase and their speed should increase over time (currently, balloons are generated in an interval which reduces every 15 seconds)
- There is a random wind effect from the left or the right side of the game screen
- The wind is stronger at the side it is blowing from
- Balloons can't be blown out of the game screen, they should stop at the border
- When all the balloons moved across the upper game screen border, a counters with all popped and all missed balloons must be shown