The library provides Object Pascal implementations of generic containers and algorithms based on "pseudo templates" approach.
The approach is based on type renaming and incudes and does not require use of generics.
Supported compilers: FPC 2.6.4+, Delphi 7+.
Current library version: 1.0
- Performance: Generics without aggressive compiler optimization has performance problems (see benchmark)
- Flexibility: Containers and algorithms may be parametrized with code as well (comparators etc)
- Stability: Generics in FPC and Delphi are still unstable
- Compatibility: Old compilers such as Delphi 7 can be supported
Pseudo templates has limitations.
- One container specialization per unit. Possible workaround are nested class types.
- Error reports may be unclear. Compiler hints and source documentation is a workaround.
- Weird usage syntax
As basic collections and algorithms should be as fast as possible it makes sense to use pseudo templates for them.
- List
- Linked list
- Vector
- Map
- Hash map
- Sorting
- Quick sort
In its simplest form the usage is:
_VectorValueType = Integer; // Assign desired type to _VectorValueType. This will be the type of the vector elements.
{$MESSAGE 'Instantiating TIntegerVector interface'} // Optional compiler message may be helpful for debugging
{$I} // Include interface part of the template
TIntegerVector = _GenVector; // Rename declared in template class to something reasonable
{$MESSAGE 'Instantiating TIntegerVector'} // Optional compiler message may be helpful for debugging
{$I} // Include implementation part of the template
There are optional type parameters:
_VectorSearchType = <some type>; // Type parameter to search in vector by some pattern with Find() method. If the type is specified _VectorFound() function should also be declared.
__CollectionIndexType = Integer; // Specify which type should be used to indexing the vector if Integer is not suitable
Before including implementation part the following parameters may be specified:
{$DEFINE _RANGECHECK} // With this define a range check will be performed for each access to a vector element
const _VectorDefaultCapacity = 16; // Default capacity of the vector
const _VectorCapacityStep = 16; // Capacity growing step
// Optional equals function can be declared as _VectorEquals()
function _VectorEquals(const v1, v2: _VectorValueType): Boolean;
Result := v1 = v2;
// If _VectorSearchType was declared the _VectorFound should be declared and return True if v matches Pattern
function _VectorFound(const v: _VectorValueType; const Pattern: _VectorSearchType): Boolean;
Result := Matches(v, Pattern);
After this TIntegerVector instances can be created and used:
Data := TIntegerVector.Create();
Data.Count := 100; // Set number of elements
Data[0] := 10; // Access element as with usual array
In its simplest form the usage is:
_LinkedListValueType = Integer; // Assign desired type to _LinkedListValueType. This will be the type of the linked list nodes.
{$MESSAGE 'Instantiating TIntegerLinkedList interface'} // Optional compiler message may be helpful for debugging
{$I} // Include interface part of the template
TIntegerLinkedList = _GenLinkedList // Rename declared in template class to something reasonable
{$MESSAGE 'Instantiating TIntegerLinkedList'} // Optional compiler message may be helpful for debugging
{$I} // Include implementation part of the template
There are optional type parameters:
_LinkedListNode = <some type>; // Type used as node record can be overridden
__CollectionIndexType = Integer; // Specify which type should be used to indexing the list if Integer is not suitable
Before including implementation part the following parameters may be specified:
{$DEFINE _RANGECHECK} // With this define a range check will be performed for each indexed access to a list element
// Optional equals function can be declared as _LinkedListEquals() to be used in methods like IndexOf()
function _LinkedListEquals(const v1, v2: _LinkedListValueType): Boolean;
Result := v1 = v2; // actual comparing code
_HashMapKeyType = string; // Type used as map key
_HashMapValueType = string; // Type used as map value
{$MESSAGE 'Instantiating TStringStringHashMap interface'} // Optional compiler message may be helpful for debugging
{$I} // Include interface part of the template
TStringStringHashMap = _GenHashMap // Rename declared in template class to something reasonable
{$MESSAGE 'Instantiating TStringIntegerHashMap'} // Optional compiler message may be helpful for debugging
{$I} // Include implementation part of the template
There are optional type parameters:
__CollectionIndexType = Integer; // Specify which type should be used to indexing the list if Integer is not suitable
Before including implementation part the following parameters may be specified:
const _HashMapDefaultCapacity = 16; // Default hash map capacity
// Hash function can be specified explicitly
function _HashMapHashFunc(const Key: _HashMapKeyType): __CollectionIndexType;
Result := Ord(@Key);
// Optional key equals function can be declared as _HashMapKeyEquals() to be used instead of "="
function _HashMapKeyEquals(const Key1, Key2: _HashMapKeyType): Boolean;
Result := Key1 = Key2;
// Optional value equals function can be declared as _HashMapValueEquals() to be used instead of "="
function _HashMapValueEquals(const Value1, Value2: _HashMapValueType): Boolean;
Result := Value1 = Value2;
Tests require a tester.pas from here:
Results of the included benchmark on FPC 3.0.4 with -O2 option:
Static array. Random write access: 150 ms
Static array. Sequential read access: 27 ms
Static array. Random read access: 238 ms
Static array. Control sum: 63193567528462
Template vector. Random write access: 149 ms
Template vector. Sequential read access: 28 ms
Template vector. Random read access: 245 ms
Template vector. Control sum: 63193567528462
Dynamic array. Random write access: 149 ms
Dynamic array. Sequential read access: 28 ms
Dynamic array. Random read access: 245 ms
Dynamic array. Control sum: 63193567528462
TList. Random write access: 447 ms
TList. Sequential read access: 120 ms
TList. Random read access: 837 ms
TList. Control sum: 63193567528462
Generic List. Random write access: 196 ms
Generic List. Sequential read access: 49 ms
Generic List. Random read access: 346 ms
Generic List. Control sum: 63193567528462
Benchmarking Template map
Template map. Put: 566 ms
Template map. Sequential get: 153 ms
Template map. Random get: 255 ms
Template map. Control sum: -1923252871
Template map. Deletion: 82 ms
Template map. Iteration: 14 ms
Template map. Control sum: 1338095247, Size: 500001
Benchmarking GHashMap
GHashMap. Put: 1235 ms
GHashMap. Sequential get: 678 ms
GHashMap. Random get: 847 ms
GHashMap. Control sum: -1923252871
GHashMap. Deletion: 343 ms
GHashMap. Iteration: 100 ms
GHashMap. Control sum: 1338095247, Size: 500001
According to the results template vector has the same speed as static array and generic list from FGL library is ~1.5 times slower. Template map is faster than GHashMap from 2 to 6.5 times.