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Client side application, built with next.js framework. Hosted as static website.


Tech stack

Setting up

  • Set ENV variables

    During local development run:

    $ cp .env.example .env

Running in development

You should set correct GRAPHQL_URI variable. Then run:

yarn dev

Alternatively, you can mock grapql responses with:

$ MOCK_APOLLO=true yarn dev

Deployment to s3

Deployment is handled by framework with serverless-client-s3 plugin.

Make sure that serverless framework is installed.

Before deployment next.js builds project and outputs result to client/dist/ directory (this specific directory is required by serverless-client-s3 plugin).

Run command:

GRAPHQL_URI=something yarn run deploy:dev

# or
GRAPHQL_URI=something yarn run deploy:prod


The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.