SUMO is a high level simulator for the traffic and autonomous vehicles. Traci API provides an interface to interact with the simulator.
After starting the sumo simulator, simply run the python script:
Under ./traci-cpp there is a concised Traci C++ API called "traci_api" for sumo, we put our developed commanding programs in the ./tests folder.
Under ./traci-cpp, compile:
mkdir build
cmake ..
make -j 8
The executables will be generated in ./traci-cpp/bin.
Run executables
- Start sumo simulator in one terminal with the port number.
In scenarios folder, pick a scenario and parse the port number (here we hard-coded it as 1337),
sumo-gui -c example.sumocfg --remote-port 1337
- Open another terminal, and under ./traci-cpp/bin run.