new Regexp(pattern[,flags])
Boundaries | |
^ | Start of string |
$ | End of string |
\b | A word boundary |
\B | Non-word boundary |
Character classes | |
. | Any single character |
\s | Any whitespace character |
\S | Any non-whitespace character |
\d | Any digit |
\D | Any non-digit |
\w | Any word character |
\W | Any non-word character |
\t | Tab |
\r | Carrige return |
\n | NewLine |
\v | Vertical whitespace character |
\f | Form-feed |
[\b] | Backspace character (Not to be confused with \b) |
\0 | Null character |
\cX | Control character X (X is a letter from A-Z) |
\xhh | Hex character hh (two hexadecimal digits) |
\uhhhh | Matches the unicode character with the given hex value (four hexadecimal digits) |
\ddd | Octal character ddd |
|Makes any character literal | |
\u{hhhh} | U+hhhh (only when u flag is set) |
Quantifiers | |
a? | 0 or 1 of a |
a* | 0 or more of a |
a+ | 1 or more of a |
a{3} | Exactly 3 of a |
a{3,} | 3 or more of a |
a{3,6} | Between 3 and 6 of a |
a* | Greedy quantifiers |
a*? | Lazy quantifiers |
Grouping and back references | |
(...) | Capture everything enclosed |
(?:...) | Match everything enclosed (no capture group) |
\n | Match nth subpattern (n=number) |
Assertions | |
(?=...) | Positive lookahead |
(?!...) | Negative lookahead |
Character Sets | |
[abc] | A character of: a, b or c |
[^abc] | A character except: a, b or c |
[a-z] | A character in the range: a to z |
[^a-z] | A character not in the range: a to z |
[a-zA-z] | A character in the range: a to z or a-z |
Alternation | |
(a|b) | Match either a or b |
Flags/Modifiers | |
g | Global |
m | Multiline |
i | Case insensitive |
u | Unicode |
y | Sticky |
RegExp | |
prototype | Allows the addition of properties to all objects. |
lastIndex | The index at which to start the next match. |
RegExp.prototype | |
flags | A string that contains the flags of the RegExp object. |
global | Whether to test the regular expression against all possible matches in a string. |
ignoreCase | Whether to ignore case. |
multiline | Whether or not to search in strings across multiple lines. |
source | The text of the pattern. |
sticky | Whether or not the search is sticky. |
unicode | Whether or not Unicode features are enabled. |
RegExp.prototype | |
exec() | Executes a search for a match in its string parameter. |
test() | Tests for a match in its string parameter. |
[Symbol.match] | Performs match to given string and returns match result. |
[Symbol.replace] | Replaces matches in given string with new substring. |
[Symbol.search] | Searches the match in given string and returns the index the pattern found in the string. |
[Symbol.split] | Splits given string into an array by separating the string into substring. |
toString() | Returns a string representing the specified object. |