This repository will hold custom utilities useful in Minecraft modding. Currently, it contains:
- A watch service to detect changes to a given file
- A configuration handler which can hot-reload from a configuration file
- A parent class that can be used to implement a mixin on the
Note that this mod is built on top of Fabric.
Aren't there enough Minecraft Mod configuration managers already? Well, I made another one.
This configuration handler allows users to:
- Create custom configuration classes with sensible configuration elements
- Populate those configuration classes using JSON or YAML
- Have those classes be hot-reloadable from disk
To use this code for handling configurations in a mod:
- Create a java-bean style public class with private instance variables for your configurations
- Extend
- Add getters and setters for each configuration
- Implement the methods
public class MyModConfig extends AbstractConfig {
private int config1;
private String config2;
private List<String> config3;
public int getConfig1() {
return config1;
public void setConfig1(int x) {
config1 = x;
public String getConfig2() {
return config2;
public void setConfig2(String x) {
config2 = x;
public List<String> getConfig3() {
return config3;
public void setConfig3(List<String> x) {
config3 = x;
public List<Path> getDefaultConfigPaths() {
return List.of(Path.of("config", "mymod.json"),
Path.of("config", "mymod.yml"));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
MyModConfig that = (MyModConfig) o;
return config1 == that.config1 &&
Objects.equals(config2, that.config2) &&
Objects.equals(config3, that.config3);
- Create an instance of
using your configuration class as the parameter - Initialize it (defaults to using the default configuration paths)
- Optionally, register one or more subscribers to be notified when there is a change detected on the configurations
(subscribers must implement
) - Always reference the configurations through
in order to get the latest values in case the configurations get reloaded
public class MyClass implements Reloadable {
private final ConfigHandler<MyModConfig> configHandler;
public MyClass() {
configHandler = new ConfigHandler<>(MyModConfig.class);
List<String> configStrings = configHandler.get().getConfig3();
The NarratorMode
enum defines what narration modes Minecraft offers through the Accessibility Settings options.
Creating a mixin on the enum can allow a mod to define new narration modes.
Given this mod, another mod would need to write the following class definition:
public abstract class MyNarratorModeMixin {
private static class NarratorModeMixinHelper extends NarratorModeMixinHelperParent {
public NarratorMode narratorModeInvokeInit(
final String internalName,
final int internalId,
final int id,
final String name) {
return MyNarratorModeMixin.narratorModeInvokeInit(internalName, internalId, id, name);
private static NarratorMode[] field_18183;
private static NarratorMode[] VALUES;
private final static NarratorModeMixinHelper HELPER = new NarratorModeMixinHelper();
// Custom NarratorModes go here:
private static final NarratorMode EXAMPLE1 =
addNarratorMode("EXAMPLE1", 4, "options.narrator.example1");
private static final NarratorMode EXAMPLE2 =
addNarratorMode("EXAMPLE2", 5, "options.narrator.example2");
public static NarratorMode narratorModeInvokeInit(
final String internalName,
final int internalId,
final int id,
final String name) {
throw new AssertionError();
private static NarratorMode addNarratorMode(final String internalName, final int id, final String name) {
final Object[] output = HELPER.addNarratorMode(VALUES, field_18183, internalName, id, name);
VALUES = (NarratorMode[]) output[0];
field_18183 = (NarratorMode[]) output[1];
return (NarratorMode) output[2];
There is still a fair amount of boilerplate required by the implementer, but it can be almost entirely copy-pasted and the most finicky logic is safely tucked away in the parent class.
Note that the Fabric framework does not allow the new NarratorMode
(s) to be made easily accessible by being defined
as public
. Also, and more annoyingly, the id
does not necessarily match the ordinal or work with the
method, unfortunately, so the implementer must be very careful in accessing the new modes,
especially if they may be in an environment with multiple NarratorMode
Use it in your mod! In gradle:
modImplementation "com.casewalker:mod-utils:<VERSION>"
Or to include it inside the JAR file:
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). Copyright © 2022 Case Walker.