Helps to build your solution faster during leetcode contest, without same old template writing.
We can see that so many top rating contestants on LeetCode pasting algorithm templates on their code. Some C++ coders even use macros to reduce the quantity of code that needed to write. To make it fair, I have built and posted these algorithm templates online, for anyone to use.
The algorithm templates I've already written:
Algorithm | Status | Directory |
BFS | Versions of with_edges, with_adjacent_array, with_adjacent_list, in_grid. | \graph\search |
DFS | Versions of with_edges, with_adjacent_array,with_adjacent_list, in_grid. | \graph\search |
Tree Traversal | Versions of BFS, DFS, level-order, pre-order, in-order, post-order. | \graph\tree\binary_tree |
Union Find | 1. Standard version. 2. Supporting big amount vertexes, implemented by HashMap version. 3. Supporting any type of variables as vertexes, the generics version. | \graph\union_find |
Adjacent Difference | Standard version. | \range\adjacent_difference |
Binary Indexed Tree | Version of sum. | \range\binary_indexed_tree |
Prefix Sum | Versions of prefix sum and prefix xor-sum, both have linear and 2D sub-versions. | \range\prefix_sum |
Segment Tree | Versions of sum, max, min, xor-sum, product, gcd, lcm, universal. The versions of sum, max, min have special range adding & covering support sub-versions. All implemented by nodes. | \range\segment_tree |
Rabin Karp (Rolling Hash) | 4 Rabin Karp utilities classes, supporting string matching and finding in 3 different ways: calling method by strings themselves, by their hash arrays, by their special instances. The additional one file support all 3 ways. | \string\rabin_karp |
Trie | One standard version supports lower case letters, and one version supports any UTF letters implemented by HashMap. | \string\trie |
Math | GCD (Greatest Common Divisor), LCM(Least Common Multiple), Factorial, Ceiling_Divide. | \math |
All templates are in the folder "Standard". Go get them and read the comments in them, they will guide you to use them.
To get the code of clean version with no comments, see the folder "NoComments". There is same directory structure below, just like they are in "Standard".
This repository aims to let you "Copy and Paste". So in convenience there is no project structure between the java files. All java files have no import declarations, can be copied and pasted in your solution instantly, without any adjustments.
(Only me by now)
Cary Zheng
LeetCode index: cary61 - (, and Cary61 - (LeetCode)