- Download and Install NodeJs
- Clone repository
- Change in terminal in the directory
- Change settings in
npm install
to download repositoriesnode index.js
to start Content Deliviery Network
@echo off
REM echo Questions to gerberm@qut.edu.au
echo Start CDN script
cd "C:\Users\Development\... PATH to CDN"
cmd /k node index.js
- Create folder "cdn" in the root directory (is already in gitignore)
- Create folder in cdn with the project title e.g.
- Insert files (names need to fit the given names)
Unity stores the files in AppData of the current logged in User
These can be removed there
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\CarrsQ\Simulator Video Controll Center
-> Hint for VR: On some Computers the copy-process takes long, because it is copied over the network interface. To skip this process, you can copy the files directly in the folder, which is ways faster