The Best Battleship game ever!!
Battleship is an implementation of the Battleship game, made using the methodology and instrucctions of The Oding Project. This project ask us to implement an test the different modules and factories that compose the game, you can click here to see the project requirements.
The project will be reviewed and approved by a TSE from Microverse
In this project we used:
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Webpack
- ESLint
- Pretty
This project was created by:
- Carlos Del Real Github Account
- António Fernandes Github account
You can find the development's live version of this project here
You can find the stable version of this project here
All the source code in the The Odin Project is available jointly under the MIT License and the Beerware License.
- npm init
- npm install eslint --save-dev
- npm install prettier --save-dev
- ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
- //configure the options
- npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
- npx webpack
- npm run watch
- npm run lint
to get a running version of this project on your machine you have to install node and then follow the instructions, for installing Node go to the node Oficial site and follow the installation instructions
your@pc:~$ git clone
your@pc:~$ cd battleship
your@pc:~$ npm install
your@pc:~$ npm run watch
open up the ./dist/index.html
file on you browser and voila!
To start the game, simply click the Game Start button, and your boats will appear automatically. They will be placed randomly every time you click Game Start
Now you are ready to start firing!! Click the squares on the enemy board that you’d like to fire on. Every time you fire, the enemy will fire back.
Fire until the end, up to the last boat!
Once you have sunk all the enemy boats or your enemy has destroyed all of yours, you will see a victory or loss message.
This project uses a series of techniques for modularizing the code. It uses Object oriented programming, and more specifically factory functions, to emulate classes on JavaScript and create the code as loosely-coupled as possible.
As a result, you can see at the folder structure that each of the folders correspond to any object that can be reused in the implementation of a similar game. In addition, the application of SOLID principles makes the code much more readable and easy to learn and understand. If you want to learn more about Solid Principles{:target="_blank"} checkout an article that I have written about it.
For this project was used jest as a testing framework, if you want a local copy of this project just follow the Battleship Game Repository{:target="_blank"}.Navigate to your repository folder and type npm install
. You will see the following:
Then you can check the testing results by typing npm run test
Your results will look something like this:
Once all tests pass, you will see: