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Deploy a Kubernetes cluster in-house

Deploy a Kubernetes cluster in-house. The idea of this Infrastructure as Code repo is to solve the installation of a Kubernetes cluster in-house with Ubuntu OS instances shared files and port forwarding.

The Kubernetes cluster is composed of 1 master node and X worker nodes. We'll use GlusterFS for file sharing purposes, then a HAProxy to forward ports 80 and 443 requests to the cluster nodes.


  • Make
  • Ansible
  • Ubuntu


1. Create GCE Instances (optional)

  • Use only if you want to create instances in Google Compute Engine.
  • Create a service account following this instructions:
  • Copy variables file: cp ./ansible/playbooks/private.yml.example ./ansible/playbooks/private.yml
  • Edit playbook variables file: vim ./ansible/playbooks/private.yml
  • Change variables with newly created service account and instance requirements
gce_service_account_email: <service account email>
gce_credentials_file: <path to json credentials file>
gce_project_id: <my project id>
  - { gce_instance_name: '<instance name>', gce_machine_type: '<n1-standard-2 for example>', gce_tags: '<firewall target tags>'}
gce_image: <ubuntu-1404 for example>
gce_disk_size: <OS disk size in GB>
gce_zone: <GCE zone>
  • Then run make gce_instances to create the instances.

more info about the Ansible module:

2. Node authentication

  • To allow running Ansible tasks in remote nodes.
  • Create inventory file: cp ./ansible/inventory/gcp.example ./ansible/inventory/gcp
  • Edit inventory file: vim ./ansible/inventory/gcp
  • Change variables with instance details
ansible_host=<node ip>
GSERVER_IP=<glusterfs node internal ip>
ansible_user=<ssh user - must be sudo>
ansible_ssh_private_key_file=<path to ssh user key>
  • Then run make steps_auto to deploy Kubernetes, GlusterFS and HAProxy.
  • Then setup HAProxy:
@master$ kubectl get nodes # and save worker IPs
@haproxy$ cd /opt/haproxy
@haproxy$ sudo vim haproxy.cfg # add worker IPs
@haproxy$ sudo make up

Available commands in Makefile

  • Create instances in GCP project: make gce_instances
  • Ansible ping check: make ping_ansible
  • Create Kubernetes cluster:make create_k8s
  • Install Helm in Kubernetes master: make provision_helm
  • Install kompose, kustomize & sysdig Kubernetes master: make provision_tools
  • Provision GlusterFS node: make provision_glusterfs
  • Provision HAProxy node: make provision_haproxy
  • Setup my user environment with Kubernetes cluster: make setup_k8s_user_env
  • Install Kubernetes requirements and binary files: make install_k8s
  • Install Kubernetes master with kubeadm: make setup_k8s_master
  • Join workers to master with kubeadm: make setup_k8s_worker


Deploy a Kubernetes cluster in-house






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