This repository contains the production testing results for each and every board that is produced.
The repo contains the following sub-directories
- boards - A YAML file for each tested board
- testers - A YAML file for each tester system
- events - Production events
- scripts - python automated scripts for visualization and monitoring
This sub-directory contains production files as follows:
- the file writing date and time with the following structure: yyyy_mm_dd_HH_MM_SSSERIAL NUMBER
- the boards randomly generated serial number which is based on its uuid (generated and written to the EEPROM upon production).RES
- the test result summary. Either 'P' (Pass) or 'F' (Fail) -
File internal structure
version: 1
file_type: cariboulite_test_results
date: date/time format
product_name: cariboulite_full_r2.8 or cariboulite_ism_r2.8
rpi_serial_number: serial_number
hat_powermon_serial_number: serial_number
summary_test_results: pass / fail
Each tester RPI + hat-powermon have their serial numbers and information. Each file in this sub-directory contains the decription of the tester setup:
version: 1
file_type: cariboulite_tester_setup
date: date / time format
rpi_serial_number: serial_number
hat_powermon_serial_number: serial_number
Production events contain:
- Production day initiation
- Failing board
The file here is a simple output log file for each tester RPI.