- Create a web service container like tomcat
- Create a web framework like spring
Web Framework Already Exist Events
- Request filter
- File scanner
- Bean scope controller(only singleton now).
- Annotation
- Controller
- Filter
- Component
- Service
- RequestMapping
- Lock
- ThreadLocal
- BlockingQueue
Already Exist API
- Realize Lock action by using synchronized keyword
- com.current.lock.v1.SynchronizedLock unfair lock can block thread
- com.current.lock.v2.SynchronizedFairLock fair lock can block thread
- when the first thread is not alive, will be removed from the chain.
- com.current.lock.v3.SynchronizedShareLock fair lock & and add readLock & writeLock can block thread. readLock(),writeLock(),lock()
- when the first thread is not alive, will be removed from the chain.
- Realize BlockingQueue
- com.current.queue.jdkAPI.ArraysSynchronizedQueue use synchronized and array
- com.current.queue.projectAPI.ArraysSynchronizedLockQueue use SynchronizedLock and array