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Mirror This repo mirrors from Gitlab to Github. Please commit to the Gitlab repo:


This is an Angular Project, generated using Angular CLI

[pipeline status]

This project uses:

  • Node.js: 16.20.2
  • Yarn: 1.22.19
  • Angular (@angular/core): 16.2.12
  • firebaseui: 6.1.0
  • firebaseui-angular: 6.1.4
  • @angular/fire: 7.6.1
  • firebase: 9.23.0 (as a dependency of @angular/fire, not directly imported)
  • Firebase-CLI (firebase-tools): 11.30.0
  • Typescript: 4.9.3
  • Walletconnect: 2.8.1

TODO: update node engine and dependencies of functions folder to 16

FirebaseUI/Angular compatibility table:

Node.js/Typescript/Angular compatibility table:

Angular build optimization configuration:

Setting Up

npm install -g firebase-tools@11.3.0
brew install yarn

Clone & Initial Setup:


git clone
cd web-ui
git checkout -b "yourname"


Prior to running yarn ensure your node version is correct according to NVM. Please install node dependencies with yarn (not npm) and do not generate a package-lock.json file.

nvm use
npm install -g yarn
npx husky install
npx husky set .husky/pre-commit "npx pretty-quick --staged"

A .nvmrc file is included to make this easy if you already use NVM (just cd to this projects root folder with admin privileges and run nvm use to activate the correct node version)

WINDOWS USERS: .nvmrc format file is not supported with windows NVM so you will have to manually include the version number like nvm use 10.15.3 and if it says its not installed then first do this nvm install xx.xx.x

Install node dependencies:



Gitlab CI/CD

Ask a CanYa Core member for access to the Gitlab Repo as "Maintainer"

Go to the Gitlab -> Settings (Sidebar) -> CI/CD (Sidebar) , scroll to Variables and click Expand

Scroll to the bottom of the list of credentials and click reveal values.

Copy the ENVIRONMENT_STAGING value into a file called environment.ts, then move that file into the src/environments folder.



Ask a CanYa Core member for access to the firebase staging app: staging-can-work

From inside the repo, log into Firebase

firebase login      // Will launch the Google account login page
firebase list       // Double Check you have the project linked
firebase serve      // Serve locally
firebase deploy     // Deploy to staging

Algolia Full Text Search

NB A paid plan on firebase is required for external network calls

Create an account for yourself at:

Within that project, create an 'index' called: localdev_provider_index

And get your values for 'Application ID' and 'Admin API Key' to use in firebase functions setup (see below)

Firebase Functions

cd functions/

firebase functions:config:set algolia.appid="UMAFX8JMPW"
firebase functions:config:set algolia.apikey="0a791357564f5d9ba99935170fac4f22"
firebase functions:config:set algolia.providerindex="--FILL THIS OUT--"
firebase functions:config:set sendgrid.apikey="--FILL THIS OUT--"
firebase functions:config:set fbadmin.project_id="--FILL THIS OUT--"
firebase functions:config:set fbadmin.client_email="--FILL THIS OUT--"
firebase functions:config:set fbadmin.private_key="--FILL THIS OUT-- --private can be found by downloading a service account json file"
firebase functions:config:set fbadmin.database_url="--FILL THIS OUT--"
firebase functions:config:set dev.authkey="some-random-key-only-you-know"
firebase functions:config:set internal.authkey="xxx"

cd ../
firebase deploy --only functions
Running firebase functions locally (from the project root)
  1. Export the path to your credentials json file as described here
  2. Output env vars to the runtime file: firebase functions:config:get > functions/.runtimeconfig.json
  3. Run: firebase serve

Start your app

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Deploying to your firebase instance:

firebase use <YOUR_NAME>
firebase deploy

oAth Configuration

Assets for oAuth are:

Product Name: Product Logo: Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions: Data Deletion:

Deploy to Production

Gitlab CI/CD is used. After committing and merging the change, a pipeline runs:

  1. Build a dist package for Staging
  2. Build a dist package for Prod
  3. Deploy to Staging
  4. Hold for manual deploy to Prod <-- You will need to manually approve this

You can view the script here:

Go to Gitlab -> CI/CD (sidebar) -> Pipelines (sidebar).

Find the Build status:

Find the Deploy status:

Play it, and wait ~10minutes for it to deploy to production.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

General dev & dev ops notes:

Generate a new travis encrypted config file

May require installation and login of travis ruby command line utility first

  1. Delete the existing encryption env var in travis settings
  2. Generate a new encrypted file travis encrypt-file src/environments/environment.staging.ts
  3. Move the file over the top of the previous version mv environment.staging.ts.enc src/environments/environment.staging.ts.enc
  4. Update .travis.yml openssl ... decryption line to match the new xxx_key and xxx_iv environment vars
  5. git push
  6. Check travis build status