This is the companion repo of my posts about NCache.
It contains two projects:
- NCacheDemo.Tests: It shows NCache basic caching operations in a MSTest Unit Test project.
- DistributedCacheWithNCache: It shows how to use ASP.NET Core IDistributedCache provider with NCache to speed up an API endpoint that makes a dummy database call.
It contains two projects:
- Loader: It populates a Distributed Lucene cache with 50 random movies from IMDb using a Console app.
- Searcher: It shows how to apply a Lucene query to find movies, again with a Console app.
2. Pub/Sub
It contains two projects:
- Publisher: It publishes new movies releases to a topic
- Subscriber: It creates a non-durable subscription to listen to new movie releases
- Landmarks: It populates a Distributed Lucene cache with 5 or 6 landmarks around Paris. Then, it searches the closest ones to the airport.
- RewardPoints: It doubles rewards points for a list of customers using NCache Bulk methods and Entry Processor to simply check which approach is faster.
- RewardPoints.Shared: It contains a NCache Entry Processor to deploy to an NCache server.
- Movies: It reads the 10 best rated movies using Entity Framework and caches them.