Releases: canonical/kratos-operator
1.0.0 (2025-03-10)
- remove the kratos-endpoint-info integration
- add account management actions (82a3b06)
- add account management actions (e9969c4)
- add enforce_mfa config option (cdbbaa0)
- add is_ready check to kratos_info (40e637b)
- add kratos_info interface (b11e538)
- add proxy config variables (8421de0)
- add smtp integration (2558093)
- added alert rules to kratos (17965be)
- added automerge and auto-approve to charm lib updates (1ef3f7a)
- added base-channel parameter to release-charm action (015406d)
- added grafana dashboard (1d05ca8)
- added grafana-dashboard integration (1d05ca8)
- bump kratos version to 1.0.0 (e2074a7)
- enable tracing offer (b25e243)
- inject proxy variables in the workload environment (e1548df)
- introduce internal ingress (8fec05f)
- migrate to ingress v2 (24af286)
- Move config to configMap (cb76b28)
- pass env vars to kratos for otlp http setup (3b0e6e6)
- public ingress domain url is added to allowed return urls in the config if available (8714f04)
- removed references to unused login-ui pages (345b855)
- requirer side implementation of login_ui_endpoints interface (#49) (733685e)
- support backup codes (2ec42d9)
- support backup codes if mfa enabled (fb53017)
- support local identity provider (f513e35)
- support local identity provider (85474d8)
- support oidc webauthn sequencing mode (dea7e4e)
- support oidc webauthn sequencing mode (b32d5ca)
- updated hydra_endpoints relation name (7713135)
- updated login_ui_endpoints relation and associated unit tests (cf00ecf)
- updated tracing relation to tracing libpatch 6 (99018ef)
- upgrade to v2 tracing (c214a5c)
- use tracing v2 (dfe3e5c)
Bug Fixes
- add automerge enabled (3121902)
- add github token to approver (2d92838)
- add ory logo (d74d2c0)
- add tempo-k8s charm lib (7d73701)
- align actions to new cmd output format (f78fb13)
- align actions to new cmd output format (40a6844)
- bump pytest-operator version (10c0914)
- bumped microk8s version to 1.28-strict/stable in CI (eff91e4)
- changed according to updates in login_ui_endpoints relation (aac46ff)
- changed checkout action to v3 (1ef3f7a)
- changed dashboard to fit kratos use case (61bcde5)
- cleanup resources when charm is removed (64a2eb3)
- do not produce wrong config (0dd8c93)
- embed claim mappers in confing map (bcbf395)
- enable auto-merge (77e20b7)
- expose app version to juju (a053d52), closes #160
- fix bug in auto-approver (1ef3f7a)
- fix default config if there is no secret (e7e8923)
- fix integration with admin UI (2518433)
- fix password input definition (2ee2922)
- fix the run-migration action failing condition issue (4aa80ff)
- fix the run-migration action failing condition issue (683ca9b)
- fixed alert logs (d4fdd63)
- fixed dashboard (d57827f)
- fixed formating and linting in src/ (8714f04)
- fixed formating in src/ (8714f04)
- fixed grafana dashboard (91363fe)
- fixed issue around the log file directory (#80) (506c165)
- fixed issue with login_ui_endpoints relation (7ee4f07)
- fixed linting (fb58a99)
- fixed loki alert rule (3f35c21)
- fixed loki alert rule (ac815cb)
- fixed registration configuration (7ee4f07)
- handle database relation departed (84a8f2d), closes #166
- handle database removal ([66ee72f](
track/istio: v1.0.0
1.0.0 (2025-03-10)
- remove the kratos-endpoint-info integration
- add account management actions (82a3b06)
- add account management actions (e9969c4)
- add enforce_mfa config option (cdbbaa0)
- add is_ready check to kratos_info (40e637b)
- add kratos_info interface (b11e538)
- add proxy config variables (8421de0)
- add service_mesh integration (96982c3)
- add service_mesh integration (1e0099c)
- add smtp integration (2558093)
- added alert rules to kratos (17965be)
- added automerge and auto-approve to charm lib updates (1ef3f7a)
- added base-channel parameter to release-charm action (015406d)
- added grafana dashboard (1d05ca8)
- added grafana-dashboard integration (1d05ca8)
- bump kratos version to 1.0.0 (e2074a7)
- enable tracing offer (b25e243)
- inject proxy variables in the workload environment (e1548df)
- introduce internal ingress (8fec05f)
- migrate to ingress v2 (24af286)
- Move config to configMap (cb76b28)
- pass env vars to kratos for otlp http setup (3b0e6e6)
- public ingress domain url is added to allowed return urls in the config if available (8714f04)
- removed references to unused login-ui pages (345b855)
- replace traefik with istio-ingress for public ingress (f0e67ca)
- replace traefik with istio-ingress for public ingress (52cebf6)
- requirer side implementation of login_ui_endpoints interface (#49) (733685e)
- support backup codes (2ec42d9)
- support backup codes if mfa enabled (fb53017)
- support local identity provider (f513e35)
- support local identity provider (85474d8)
- updated hydra_endpoints relation name (7713135)
- updated login_ui_endpoints relation and associated unit tests (cf00ecf)
- updated tracing relation to tracing libpatch 6 (99018ef)
- upgrade to v2 tracing (c214a5c)
- use tracing v2 (dfe3e5c)
Bug Fixes
- add automerge enabled (3121902)
- add github token to approver (2d92838)
- add ory logo (d74d2c0)
- add tempo-k8s charm lib (7d73701)
- align actions to new cmd output format (f78fb13)
- align actions to new cmd output format (40a6844)
- bump pytest-operator version (10c0914)
- bumped microk8s version to 1.28-strict/stable in CI (eff91e4)
- changed according to updates in login_ui_endpoints relation (aac46ff)
- changed checkout action to v3 (1ef3f7a)
- changed dashboard to fit kratos use case (61bcde5)
- cleanup resources when charm is removed (64a2eb3)
- do not produce wrong config (0dd8c93)
- embed claim mappers in confing map (bcbf395)
- enable auto-merge (77e20b7)
- expose app version to juju (a053d52), closes #160
- fix bug in auto-approver (1ef3f7a)
- fix default config if there is no secret (e7e8923)
- fix integration with admin UI (2518433)
- fix password input definition (2ee2922)
- fix the run-migration action failing condition issue (4aa80ff)
- fix the run-migration action failing condition issue (683ca9b)
- fixed alert logs (d4fdd63)
- fixed dashboard (d57827f)
- fixed formating and linting in src/ (8714f04)
- fixed formating in src/ (8714f04)
- fixed grafana dashboard (91363fe)
- fixed issue around the log file directory (#80) (506c165)
- fixed issue with login_ui_endpoints relation (7ee4f07)
- fixed linting (fb58a99)
- fixed loki alert rule (3f35c21)
- fixed loki alert rule (ac815cb)
- fixed registration configuration ([7ee4f07](7ee4f0727319f0e8...
Revision 548
- oci-image:
resource-revision: 426
Static resources:
Released to 'istio/edge' at 11:50 UTC on 10 Mar 2025
What's Changed
- ci: release track/istio 1.0.0 by @canonical-iam in #354
Full Changelog: rev507...rev548
Revision 546
- oci-image:
resource-revision: 426
Static resources:
Released to 'latest/edge' at 10:34 UTC on 10 Mar 2025
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update dependency jinja2 to v3.1.6 [security] by @renovate in #347
- IAM-1342: apply reusable workflows for release by @shipperizer in #348
- IAM-1342: standardize ci by @shipperizer in #350
- chore(deps): update dependency pytest-operator to v0.41.0 by @renovate in #352
- ci: release 1.0.0 by @canonical-iam in #353
Full Changelog: rev544...rev546
track/0.4: v1.0.0
1.0.0 (2025-03-07)
- remove the kratos-endpoint-info integration
- add account management actions (82a3b06)
- add account management actions (e9969c4)
- add enforce_mfa config option (cdbbaa0)
- add is_ready check to kratos_info (40e637b)
- add kratos_info interface (b11e538)
- add proxy config variables (8421de0)
- add smtp integration (2558093)
- added alert rules to kratos (17965be)
- added automerge and auto-approve to charm lib updates (1ef3f7a)
- added base-channel parameter to release-charm action (015406d)
- added grafana dashboard (1d05ca8)
- added grafana-dashboard integration (1d05ca8)
- bump kratos version to 1.0.0 (e2074a7)
- enable tracing offer (b25e243)
- inject proxy variables in the workload environment (e1548df)
- introduce internal ingress (8fec05f)
- migrate to ingress v2 (24af286)
- Move config to configMap (cb76b28)
- pass env vars to kratos for otlp http setup (3b0e6e6)
- public ingress domain url is added to allowed return urls in the config if available (8714f04)
- removed references to unused login-ui pages (345b855)
- requirer side implementation of login_ui_endpoints interface (#49) (733685e)
- support backup codes (2ec42d9)
- support backup codes if mfa enabled (fb53017)
- support local identity provider (f513e35)
- support local identity provider (85474d8)
- updated hydra_endpoints relation name (7713135)
- updated login_ui_endpoints relation and associated unit tests (cf00ecf)
- updated tracing relation to tracing libpatch 6 (99018ef)
- upgrade to v2 tracing (c214a5c)
- use tracing v2 (dfe3e5c)
Bug Fixes
- add automerge enabled (3121902)
- add github token to approver (2d92838)
- add ory logo (d74d2c0)
- add tempo-k8s charm lib (7d73701)
- align actions to new cmd output format (f78fb13)
- align actions to new cmd output format (40a6844)
- bump pytest-operator version (10c0914)
- bumped microk8s version to 1.28-strict/stable in CI (eff91e4)
- changed according to updates in login_ui_endpoints relation (aac46ff)
- changed checkout action to v3 (1ef3f7a)
- changed dashboard to fit kratos use case (61bcde5)
- cleanup resources when charm is removed (64a2eb3)
- do not produce wrong config (0dd8c93)
- embed claim mappers in confing map (bcbf395)
- enable auto-merge (77e20b7)
- expose app version to juju (a053d52), closes #160
- fix bug in auto-approver (1ef3f7a)
- fix default config if there is no secret (e7e8923)
- fix integration with admin UI (2518433)
- fix password input definition (2ee2922)
- fix the run-migration action failing condition issue (4aa80ff)
- fix the run-migration action failing condition issue (683ca9b)
- fixed alert logs (d4fdd63)
- fixed dashboard (d57827f)
- fixed formating and linting in src/ (8714f04)
- fixed formating in src/ (8714f04)
- fixed grafana dashboard (91363fe)
- fixed issue around the log file directory (#80) (506c165)
- fixed issue with login_ui_endpoints relation (7ee4f07)
- fixed linting (fb58a99)
- fixed loki alert rule (3f35c21)
- fixed loki alert rule (ac815cb)
- fixed registration configuration (7ee4f07)
- handle database relation departed (84a8f2d), closes #166
- handle database removal (66ee72f)
- hardcode relation in (72f41fa)
- hardcode relation in ([6dd8798](
Revision 545
- oci-image:
resource-revision: 413
Static resources:
Released to '0.4/edge' at 13:32 UTC on 7 Mar 2025
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update dependency ubuntu to v24 by @renovate in #276
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.7.1 by @renovate in #291
- Fix a small typo by @AxoyTO in #293
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 11bd719 by @renovate in #290
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.7.2 by @renovate in #292
- ci: adjust charmcraft file to work on ubuntu 24.04 by @shipperizer in #294
- ci: release track/0.4 1.0.0 by @canonical-iam in #349
New Contributors
Full Changelog: rev495...rev545
Revision 544
- oci-image:
resource-revision: 425
Static resources:
Released to 'latest/edge' at 10:15 UTC on 6 Mar 2025
What's Changed
- chore: fetch correct login-ui lib by @natalian98 in #346
Full Changelog: rev543...rev544
Revision 543
- oci-image:
resource-revision: 425
Static resources:
Released to 'latest/edge' at 15:05 UTC on 4 Mar 2025
What's Changed
- ci: add tiobe integration by @shipperizer in #343
- ci: add tests for coverage in tiobe by @shipperizer in #344
- chore(deps): update dependency jinja2 to v3.1.5 [security] by @renovate in #345
Full Changelog: rev542...rev543
Revision 542
- oci-image:
resource-revision: 425
Static resources:
Released to 'latest/edge' at 15:10 UTC on 28 Feb 2025
What's Changed
Full Changelog: rev541...rev542
Revision 541
- oci-image:
resource-revision: 425
Static resources:
Released to 'latest/edge' at 06:42 UTC on 28 Feb 2025
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update dependency bcrypt to v4.3.0 by @renovate in #341
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.9.8 by @renovate in #340
Full Changelog: rev540...rev541