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Stéphane Brunner edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 1 revision

MapFish Protocol

This page describes the MapFish Protocol. The MapFish Protocol is a RESTful protocol for creating/reading/updating/deleting features.


The representation format is GeoJSON.

HTTP Interfaces

Read one feature

  • Request: GET

  • Response: GeoJSON FeatureCollection with one feature

    • success status code: 200 OK
  • Supported request parameters:

    • no_geom=true: so that the returned feature has no geometry ("geometry": null)
    • attrs={field1}[,{field2},...]: to restrict the list of properties returned in the feature

Read features

  • Request: GET

  • Response: GeoJSON Feature

    • success status code: 200 OK
  • Supported request parameters:

  • the no_geom and attrs parameters described in the previous section are also supported here

  • limit={num}: limit the number of features to num features (maxfeatures is an alias to limit)

  • offset={num}: skip num features

  • order_by={field}: order the features using field

  • dir=DESC|ASC: determine the ordering direction (applies only if order_by is specified)

  • lon={x}: the x coordinate of the center of the search region, this coord's projection system can be specified with the epsg parameter

  • lat={y}: the y coordinate of the center of the search region, this coord's projection system can be specified with the epsg parameter

  • tolerance={num}: the tolerance around the center of the search region, expressed in the units of the lon/lat coords' projection system

  • bbox={xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax}: a list of coordinates representing a bounding box, the coords' projection system can be specified with the epsg parameter

  • geometry={geojson}: a GeoJSON string representing a geometry, the coords' projection system can be specified with the epsg parameter

  • epsg={num}: the EPSG code of the lon, lat or box values

  • queryable={field1}[,{field2},...]}: the names of the feature fields that can be queried

  • {field}__{query_op}={value}: specify a filter expression, field must be in the list of fields specified by queryable, supported query_op's are:

    • eq: equal to
    • ne: not equal to
    • lt: lower than
    • lte: lower than or equal to
    • gt: greater than
    • gte: greater than or equal to
    • like
    • ilike


  • Request: GET

  • Response: the features whose distance to point (5,50) is lower than or equal to 200 meters

  • Request: GET

  • Response: the features that contain point (5,50)

  • Request: GET,50,7,60

  • Response: the features within the bounding box (5,50,7,60)

  • Request: GET

  • Response: a maximum of 3 features

  • Request: GET,elevation&name__ilike=col&elevation__gte=1800&attrs=name,elevation&no_geom=true

  • Response: at most 3 features whose names include "col" and whose elevations are greater than or equal to 1800

Create/Update features

  • Request: POST or PUT
    • body: GeoJSON FeatureCollection
  • Response: GeoJSON FeatureCollection
    • success status code: 201 Created

Features with no ids ({id: null}) are created. Features with ids are updated.

Update a feature

  • Request: PUT<id> where <id> is the feature id
    • body: GeoJSON Feature
  • Response: GeoJSON Feature
    • success status code: 201 Created

Delete a feature

Features are deleted one by one.

  • Request: DELETE<id> where <id> is the feature id
  • Response
    • success status code: 204 No Content

Count features

  • Request: GET

  • Response: Plain text containing an integer representing the feature count

    • success status code: 200 OK
  • Request parameters for filtering: same as the Read features action


  • Request: GET
  • Response: the number of features whose distance to point (5,50) is lower than or equal to 2 degrees