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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with grafanadash
  3. Usage
  4. Reference
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.


This is a simple dev module for installing graphite and grafana on a single node. It was only successfully tested with Puppet 3.7.1 and CentOS 6.

This is basically derived from what the cprice404/grafanadash module does ( with the exception of no initial support for setting up elasticsearch. You're probably better off using cprice404/grafanadash as this module is purely an experiment.


What grafanadash affects

  • Sets selinux to 'permissive'.
  • Installs EPEL repo, graphite, related python packages needed by graphite, and grafana. Sets up Apache Virtual Hosts for graphite and grafana.


Classes and Defined Types

Class: grafanadash::dev

Installs Graphite and Grafana on a single host, running under Apache.


ServerName to add to the Apache Virtual Host configurations for Graphite and Grafana vhost. Defaults to ::fqdn of the host on which the packages are being installed.


Port on the Apache server under which the Grafana web application should be hosted. Defaults to 10000.


Port on the Apache server under which the Graphite web application should be hosted. Defaults to 80.


Port of the Graphite line receiver. Defaults to 2003.


Port of the Graphite web server interface - used by Grafana's config.js to poll Graphite for data. Defaults to "http://${::fqdn}"


To install with default parameters:

    class { 'grafanadash::dev': }

To install with custom parameters:

    class { 'grafanadash::dev':
      apache_servername           => '',
      grafana_apache_port         => 9998,
      graphite_apache_port        => 9997,
      graphite_line_receiver_port => 9996,
      graphite_url                => ''



Public Classes

  • grafanadash::dev: Installs Graphite and Grafana under a single host, running under Apache.

Private Classes

  • grafanadash::grafana_apache: Configures an Apache Virtual Host for a Grafana server and SHOULD NOT be called directly.
  • grafanadash::graphite_apache: Configures an Apache Virtual Host for a Graphite server and SHOULD NOT be called directly.


Sets selinux to permissive rather than just configuring the minimal rules needed for applications to run with selinux still being enforced.

This module does not work on CentOS 7.0.1406 for three reasons:

  1. An "Error: comparison of String with 7 failed at ...selinux/manifests/params.pp" message occurs. This is due to some missing logic in the version string checking in the selinux module's params.pp class. This is a known issue in the selinux module. A pull request to address this is at

  2. A couple of the dependencies that the graphite module is looking for are not satisfied - Django14 and python-sqlite2. An issue about this was filed in the puppet-graphite project - echocat/puppet-graphite#106.

  3. Assuming one were to workaround the second problem by installing a django 1.6 version from EPEL, there is a problem in the latest released package of graphite-web, 0.9.12, with running under django 1.6. A fix for that problem was integrated to graphite-web master at but that fix has not been included in a later release of graphite-web.


Puppet module which manages Graphite and Grafana on a single host







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