Releases: camisatx/pySecMaster
Releases · camisatx/pySecMaster
pySecMaster v1.5.0
pySecMaster v1.4.4
- Fix bug in QuandlDataExtraction class where an SQL delete query was missing the data_vendor_id variable check, causing the code to delete all daily_price values greater than the specified date
- Fix NASDAQ classification extractor to not insert or overwrite database values with blank/none/NA new values
pySecMaster v1.4.3
- Fix bug from CSI Data stock fact sheet change
- Fix NASDAQ sector and industry extractor query bug
- Add script for automatically backing up the database
- Add file for creating and updating the symbology (and related) tables
- Abstract out the load_table directory link in
pySecMaster v1.4.2
- Add a classification table to store stock classification data for any standard (GICS, SIC, etc.)
- Add a NASDAQ industry and sector classification extractor for NASDAQ, NYSE and AMEX stocks
- Fix CSI Data stock factsheet extractor to work with their new CSV format (they removed sector, industry, type and currency columns)
- Update file to show current database structure
- Fix implementation of a pandas 0.18 bug correction
pySecMaster v1.4.1
- Prevent cross validator from considering values with 'None'
- Change Google Finance data download to remove the time component in the datetime object for daily data
- Ensure that every database connection is closed once the process is finished
pySecMaster v1.4.0
NOTE: This is the first release with database engine as PostgreSQL
- Update
- now includes a raw value outlier check, along with more error handling
- can now update the database if values from the CSV load files are changed
- Add a unique id for each vendor in data_vendor.csv
- Add a unique id for each exchange in exchanges.csv
- Change all start and close times in exchange.csv to 24 hour based local times
- Update the GUI to show all fields PostgreSQL requires for creating and connecting to a database
- Replace many inefficient SQL queries in with optimized queries
- Update and to work with updated database
- Add unittest for testing the database creation
- Add file to convert price tables from the old SQLite database to the new PostgreSQL database
- Add a utilities file called that allows a user to specify all relevant system variables and passwords
- Update the file to reflect database changes
pySecMaster v1.3.2
NOTE: This is the final relase with the SQLite3 database engine
- Adds data extractor for Yahoo Finance
- Expands the Google Finance extractor to work with daily data
- Adds cross validator script that is able to automatically choose the most likely value for each tsid on each period
- Change the data_download function to iterate over a list of items to download
- Move database query functions and date modification functions to the utilities folder
- Add dividends table to the database
- Update and
- Fix multiple bugs (including major Google Finance minute data bug)
pySecMaster v1.3.1
- Add extra error handling in for Quandl data download
- Add extra Quandl data download options for GOOG database codes and GOOG ETF database codes
- Change the GUI code to using a platform agnostic approach for creating the database directory paths
- Decrease the redownload time for both Quandl and Google finance data
- Fix the issue where historical Quandl adjusted price values were not being updated (now all stored values are replaced with the latest values)
- Add markdown file for visualizing the database table structure
- Improve clarity of the README markdown file to describe more specifics of the system
pySecMaster v1.3.0
- Change the database to use tsid's for all items, replacing the q_codes
- Create symbology table that can translate different source symbols between one another
- Update exchanges load file (and table) to include more exchange symbols
- Add tables for events (earnings, economic events, ipo pricings, conference calls, splits)
- Fix the process of saving and updating codes in the ...wo_data.csv files
- Minor bug fixes
NOTE: This is the first release that utilizes the tsid symbol convention. All tables will have to be regenerated with this new code. For minute data, in the utilities folder can copy the existing minute data to a new database with tsids.
pySecMaster v1.2.2
- Add GUI that controls most parameters for the download functionality
- Fix rate limiters for the Quandl and Google Finance data download extractors
- Update DataFrame value sort to work with Pandas 0.17
NOTE: This is the final pySecMaster release that utilizes the q_code symbol convention. After this release, all tables will utilize the tsid symbol structure and symbology table.