🔃 (go-to 🇧🇷) Versão em Português
This is a project, in the format of a challenge, for the Data Analysis and Exploration discipline of the Postgraduate course in Data Analytics at FIAP. In this challenge, it was proposed that we use data from an Embrapa dataset to carrey ou analysis and answer some questions. These answers should be presented to a group of investors in mind who are interested in the Brazilian wine market.
Before begin, you will need to install the following dependencies in your environment:
After clone this repository, access the project´s folder and follow the steps bellow:
In the Terminal | 1. starts the virtual environment
In the terminal | 2. runs the main file with Streamlit
streamlit run Dashboard.py
As it is an application made in Streamlit, the display is don in the browser itself. To access, just click on the link below:
However, it may be that at the moment you click on this link, the application is no longer available. In this case, you can run the application locally by following the steps above. Or, if you prefer, you can watch the video below, where I show the application running on my computer:
The technologies below were used in the development of this project:
Made with ❤️ by Cami Queiroz 🎙 Let´s talk!