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Using Vagrant for running Aton (Development)

Camilo A. Sampedro Restrepo edited this page Nov 7, 2016 · 1 revision

Using Vagrant for running Aton (Development)

With Vagrantfile and inside the repository it is possible to run a virtual machine prepared to execute Aton.

What's included

  • MySQL
  • Java 8
  • Activator

How to use it


First you will need to install vagrant and virtualbox (Other providers can be used, such as vmware). It can be done with:


sudo apt-get install vagrant virtualbox


sudo pacman -S vagrant virtualbox

Creating and running

Then you can create and start the virtual machine:

vagrant up

The first time this will require a few more minutes for downloading the base image and executing which installs all the dependencies. This command boots up the virtual machine.

Going inside the virtual machine

vagrant ssh

Executing Aton

All the files of the repository will be available inside /vagrant/ so it is only needed to execute:

cd /vagrant/
activator run # Or activator test for testing

Now activator will start to download and compile Aton, it will require a few minutes. After Aton is running, it can be accessed from the host machine on http://localhost:9000