Camflake is a distributed unique ID generator implemented in Java. This library is inspired by Twitter's Snowflake and Sony's Sonyflake.
Camflake generates an unique ID as unsigned 63 bit long value, which is composed of these below values.
* 41 bits : Elapsed time from base time(msec order)
* 6 bits : Sequence number
* 16 bits : Machine ID
Refer Basis path for more details. And you can find the Japanese documents here.
- JDK 1.8.0 or over
Initiate Camflake
instance and invoke next
Camflake camflake = new Camflake();
long id =;
Every time next
method is invoked, the instance generates a different unique ID.
We have provided a sample web application which generates the unique ID by using Camflake. To start app, invoke below command at the root directory of this project.
./gradlew bootRun
After app started, you can get the unique ID by accessing to the URL below.
curl http://localhost:8080/id/next
Camflake generates the unique ID as unsigned 63 bit long value. The unique ID is composed of
* 41 bits : Elapsed time from base time(msec order)
* 6 bits : Sequence number
* 16 bits : Machine ID
To generate unique ID, Camflake uses elapsed time from base time.
The default base time is 2017-06-01T00:00:00Z
You can modify base time during Camflake instance's initialization. If you pass an invalid parameter to constructor, Runtime Exception will be thrown.
- A base time, which is before UNIX epoch (
) - A base time, which is after current time.
The elapsed time maximum is about 69 years (2,199,023,255,551 msec) from the base time. And Runtime Exception will be thrown when the elapsed time exceeded the maximum.
Sequence number is the unique ID's identifier, which determines among the unique IDs created at the same time. The sequence number could be generated maximum to 64 numbers in millisecond. Thus, Camflake instance could generate maximum 64 different unique ID in millisecond.
Machine ID is the Camflake instance's identifier, which is created by default using the latter 16-bits of the host's IP address.
You can develop your own machine ID generator to avoid generating duplicated ID in the below cases.
- You have to run Camflake on multiple Java process on one host machine.
- You have to run Camflake on multiple Docker container on one host machine.
You can modify Camflake by initializing with any proper base time or machine ID.
Develop a concrete Java class which implements MachineId
interface when you need to generate your own machine Id.
MachineId machineId = new ConcreteMachineId(); // Concrete java class which implements MachineId interface.
Camflake camflake = new Camflake(machineId);
Construct Camflake with any proper Instant
instance to modify base time.
// This example modifies base time to 2017-08-01T00:00:00Z
Instant baseTime = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneId.of("UTC")).toInstant());
Camflake camflake = new Camflake(new DefaultMachineId(), baseTime);
This library is MIT license.
See LICENSE for details.