A 2d top down vehicle simulator using pygame library.
Dynamical Model of Car
python3 vehicle_sim.py
Kinematic Model of Car with trailers.
python3 truck_sim.py
To easily setup and run this python project use python's venv
Activate the python virtual environment with
source vehicle_sim/bin/activate
The environment was created with
python3 -m venv vehicle_sim
mkvirtualenv -p $(pyenv which python) vehicle_sim
use virtaulenv wrapper
pyenv global 3.7.3
# Switch to python version 3.7.3
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
# install virtualenv wrapper
mkvirtualenv vehicle_sim
# make the python virtual environment
workon vehicle_sim
# enter the virtual env
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# Create a text file of all the python libs
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install from that list
build with
run with