CowBull is a word guessing game built using HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Webpack, and Babel.
CowBull is a fun word guessing game where players try to guess a secret word by inputting their guesses. The game provides feedback in the form of cows and bulls to help players refine their guesses. This project was created using a combination of front-end and back-end technologies.
Here are a few screenshots from the CowBull game page:
To run CowBull locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
Navigate to the project directory.
cd cowbull
Install the required dependencies.
npm install
Create a .env file in the project root and add your API key for dictionary lookup. You can obtain an API key from
Start the development server.
npm start
Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to play CowBull.
Welcome to CowBull, the word-guessing game!
- Enter your guesses in the word grid.
- Click the "Enter" button to submit your guess.
- Receive feedback in the form of cows and bulls.
- Try to guess the secret word within the limited number of attempts.
Choose your preferred input method - either the virtual keyboard or your physical keyboard -
This project utilizes two APIs:
The Random Word API is used to generate random words of a specific length. You can use the following URL to request a random word:{wordLength}
The Dictionary API is used to check if a word is valid and in the dictionary. You should obtain an API key from and store it in your .env file as API_KEY.