thin fsharp's CsvHelper's wrapper
open CsvHelperfs
at main code- customize
(see Sample folder) - write code at main code - like blow...
module Foo =
open System.IO
open System.Text
open System.Text.Json
open CsvHelperfs
async {
let fp_jsonc = "./Sample/input.jsonc"
// read Config from Json
let csvReadInfo =
use stream = new FileStream(fp_jsonc,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read)
let opt = JsonSerializerOptions()
opt.ReadCommentHandling <- JsonCommentHandling.Skip
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CsvHelperfs.CsvReadInfo>(stream, opt)
// read csv
let folderPath = csvReadInfo.InputFileConfig.InputFolderName
let filePath = csvReadInfo.InputFileConfig.InputFileName
let finfo = FileInfo(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), folderPath, filePath))
let codepage = csvReadInfo.InputFileConfig.CodePage.Value
use sr = new StreamReader(finfo.FullName,Encoding.GetEncoding(codepage))
let! csvBad, csvGood = CsvRead0.readCsv csvReadInfo finfo sr
printfn "%A" csvBad
printfn "%A" csvGood
// write csv of error log
let filePath' = csvReadInfo.InputErrorFileConfig.OutputFileConfig.OutputFileName
let fp_errCsv = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),filePath')
do! csvBad |> Seq.toArray |> CsvWrite.csvWriteFromRecordArray csvReadInfo.InputErrorFileConfig fp_errCsv
|> Async.RunSynchronously
seq [{ FileName = "fruits.csv"
LastWriteTime = 2023/05/03 18:51:48
RowNumberPhysical = 4
RowNumberLogical = 4
Field = ""
Message1 = " Id is invalid(over 3) "
Message2 = ""
Record = "3,cherry,500,black"
Memo = "" }]
seq [{ Id = 1
Name = "apple"
Price = 300
Memo = "red" }; { Id = 2
Name = "banana"
Price = 250
Memo = "yellow" }]
"fruits.csv","2023/05/04 17:17:25","4","4",""," Id is invalid(over 3) ","","3,cherry,500,black",""
open CsvHelperfs
at main code- customize
(see Sample folder) - write code at main code - like blow...
module Foo =
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System.Dynamic
open System.Text.Json
open CsvHelperfs
async {
// date is DapperRow:IDictionary or ExpandoObject.IDictionary
let idic =
seq {
Map([("name",box "cat") ; ("size",box "small") ]) |> Map.toSeq |> dict
Map([("name",box "horse") ; ("size",box "big") ]) |> Map.toSeq |> dict
|> CsvUtil.asExpandoIDictionary
|> Seq.toArray
let fp_jsonc = "./Sample/output.jsonc"
// read Config from Json
let csvWriteInfo =
use stream = new FileStream(fp_jsonc,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read)
let opt = JsonSerializerOptions()
opt.ReadCommentHandling <- JsonCommentHandling.Skip
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CsvHelperfs.CsvWriteInfo>(stream, opt)
// write csv
let filePath = csvWriteInfo.OutputFileConfig.OutputFileName
let finfo = FileInfo(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),filePath))
do! CsvWrite.csvWriteFromExpandoIDictionaryArray csvWriteInfo finfo.FullName idic
|> Async.RunSynchronously
module Foo =
open System.IO
open System.Text.Json
// wrap dummy record if read records directly from json
type ExtraInputJson = {ExtraInput:ExtraInput}
and ExtraInput =
ExtraInputFileConfig : ExtraInputFileConfig
ExtraInputErrorFileConfig : ExtraInputErrorFileConfig
and ExtraInputFileConfig =
CheckCsvFiles : bool
LimitRecords : Nullable<int>
IgnoreInvalidRecords : bool
and ExtraInputErrorFileConfig =
OutputFileNameDateFormat : string
IsPrefixDateFormat : bool
let fp_jsonc = "./Sample/input.jsonc"
// read Config from Json
let extraInput =
use stream = new FileStream(fp_jsonc,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read)
let opt = JsonSerializerOptions()
opt.ReadCommentHandling <- JsonCommentHandling.Skip
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ExtraInputJson>(stream, opt) |> fun a -> a.ExtraInput
extraInput.ExtraInputFileConfig.LimitRecords.Value |> printfn "%d"
|> Async.RunSynchronously