My attempt at a LibreOffice image replacement script.
The script generates the final result using imagemagick from the original art. It also supports backup and restore of existing LO resources, mixing and matching of splash image parts, and is easily extended to add more themes to the replacement list.
There is also a PKGBUILD for Arch users to easily manage their libbieoffice installation. It simply fetches the libreoffice-fresh package, replaces its contents, and repacks it for installation. I hope to add package mod scripts for more distros in the future.
Clone the repo or download the zip, then run sudo ./
peform the replacement with default settings.
To just generate a splash image, use the
script, which has
similar options to the mod script.
There is also the
script, which doesn't take options, but
fetches and trims the text from all of the art and places it in
. Not all of them have crop squares defined; for now, it's
just the main apps and blank.
Usage: [-hfl] [-o INSTALL_TO] [-a ART_DIR] [-t TMPDIR] [-b BACKUP_DEST] [-r ARCHIVE] [-L LEFT] [-R RIGHT]
-o : Specify the installation root. Defaults to /
-a : Specify the path to the original art. Defaults to TMPDIR/20170826_tysontan_libbie
Note that filenames are expected to be in the format:
-f : Forces the script to regenerate all scaled/cropped images
-t : Specify the temporary directory for processing images.
Defaults to /tmp/libbieoffice_mod/
-b : Back up existing theme files to a specified archive.
-r : Restore theme files from a specified archive
-L : Splash left component. Options are: libbie libre
-R : Splash right component. Options are: front 34view blank 5
-l : Skip downloading the zip; assumes art folder is correct.
-h : Displays this help message.
Usage: [-h] [-l] [-t TMPDIR] [-a ART_DIR] [-L LEFT] [-R RIGHT]
-o : Specify the splash file output. Defaults to ./intro.png
-a : Specify the path to the original art. Defaults to TMPDIR/20170826_tysontan_libbie
Note that filenames are expected to be in the format:
-t : Specify the temporary directory for processing images.
Defaults to /tmp/libbieoffice_mod/
-L : Splash left component. Options are: libbie libre
-R : Splash right component. Options are: front 34view blank 5
-l : Skip downloading the zip; assumes art folder is correct.
-h : Displays this help message.
takes no arguments. When you run it, the script outputs all
three types of images to folders within $CWD/trimmed
This error pops up every time I run imagemagick
on my laptop, and appears to
be related to segfaulting when the program is run as root and tries to use my
GPU. To prevent this, I set MAGICK_OCL_DEVICE=OFF
This code is licensed under the GPLv3. For more information, read the LICENSE.
Credits for @redsPL for icon crop references, @KarlFish for the idea of the 34view splash which I have made the default, and anon for the LibbieOffice splash text mod.
Thanks to the ImageMagick developers for making such an awesome and flexible tool.
And most of all, thanks to Tyson Tan (DeviantArt) for the cute mascot. I don't care what the folks over at The Document Foundation or their sorry excuse for a poll said—Libbie's a winner to me, and that's what this repo is all about.