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Beamer Transitions

Yuchen Jin edited this page Dec 8, 2022 · 3 revisions


Configure frame transitions

For the itemize, enumerate or similar environments, you can use

  \item<1-> First sentence.
  \item<2-> Second sentence.
  \item<2> Only shown in the second step
  \item<3-> Third sentence.

For any block or some other things, you can make the transition to cover all of the contents:


    Shown on all pages.

    Only shown in the first page.

  Only shown in the second page.


When using different document class mode

If you are not using beamer mode, you need to specify the transition case:





    Shown on all pages.



Certainly, you can make the transitions work in different modes:





    Shown on all pages.



Add transition methods to your slides separately

For example, if we have multiple different pages, we can configure the transition method of each page separately:

\begin{frame}{Example}{First frame}

\begin{frame}{Example}{Second frame}

Add a transition method globally

If you want to add the same transition method to each step (page), you can add the following command before your document environment:



Do not forget the last {} bracket of this command!

⚠️ Note that you cannot set different animations for a specific frame, if you use this method!

What transition methods you can use

The following examples are copied from the document of beamer.

\transblindshorizontal<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide as if horizontal blinds were pulled away.

Example: \transblindshorizontal

\transblindsvertical<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide as if vertical blinds were pulled away.

Example: \transblindsvertical<2,3>

\transboxin<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by moving to the center from all four sides.

Example: \transboxin<1>

\transboxout<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by showing more and more of a rectangular area that is centered on the slide center.

Example: \transboxout

\transcover<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by covering the content that was shown before.

Example: \transcover

\transdissolve<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by slowly dissolving what was shown before.

Example: \transdissolve[duration=0.2]

\transfade<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by slowly fading what was shown before.

Example: \transfade

\transfly<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by letting the new content fly in before removing the old slide.

Example: \transfly[direction=180]

\transglitter<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide with a glitter effect that sweeps in the specified direction.

Example: \transglitter<2-3>[direction=90]

\transpush<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by pushing what was shown before off the screen using the new content.

Example: \transpush

\transreplace<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Replace the previous slide directly (default behaviour).

\transsplitverticalin<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by sweeping two vertical lines from the sides inward.

Example: \transsplitverticalin

\transsplitverticalout<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by sweeping two vertical lines from the center outward.

Example: \transsplitverticalout

\transsplithorizontalin<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by sweeping two horizontal lines from the sides inward.

Example: \transsplithorizontalin

\transsplithorizontalout<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by sweeping two horizontal lines from the center outward.

Example: \transsplithorizontalout

\transwipe<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]

Show the slide by sweeping a single line in the specified direction, thereby “wiping out” the previous contents.

Example: \transwipe[direction=90]

You can also specify how long a given slide should be shown, using the following overlay-specification-aware command:

\transduration<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨number of seconds⟩}

In full screen mode, show the slide for ⟨number of seconds⟩. If zero is specified, the slide is shown as short as possible. This can be used to create interesting pseudo-animations.

Example: \transduration<2>{1} Notice that the duration of a slide transition is entire separate from the type of transition which takes place. Most notably, to cancel an existing auto-advance you need to use.

Example: \transduration{} possibly with an overlay specification.