This app launches Minecraft and then joins the 2B2T server at the specified time. It's open source, you can inspect the code and decide whether it's clean or not or even build it yourself.
- Screenshot:
This settings are required to make the app work:
- Launcher: Official Xbox Minecraft Launcher (The game profile should be selected e.g. "fabric-1.21.1") (Don't worry if you have installed the Minecraft in a different than the default directory, the app lets you choose the Minecraft.exe if the app can't find it itself. Minecraft.exe is generally located in "XboxGames\Minecraft Launcher\Content\Minecraft.exe")
- Video Settings > GUI Scale: 2 (Might work on other scales but it has been tested on this scale.)
- Both Minecraft Launcher and Minecraft Client languages should be English (US).
- If you have a Minecraft Client custom theme that changes the visuals of the buttons, disable it.
Adjust these settings before running the scheduler.
Both Minecraft Launcher and Minecraft Client languages should be English (US). If you don't set them into English, the app won't recognise the buttons to click. Also the game profile (version or maybe the cheat client e.g. "fabric-1.21.1") must be selected in the Minecraft Launcher before running the app in order to make it work properly. Make sure the buttons in the client are in default style.
The app was tested in GUI Scale: 2, default button styles (no themes). Even with the change of these variables the app could work but haven't been tested yet.
- Download 2B2T-Scheduler.exe.
- Set the requirements in the Requirements title above for app to work properly.
- Open the 2B2T-Scheduler.exe and specify the time then click on Activate.
Clone the repository, go into the directory where is located, open a command prompt in it's directory and run the command:
Or you can turn it into an exe by opening a command prompt in it's directory (the directory where is located) and running the command:
pyinstaller schedulerapp.spec
If you face any issues or errors you can contact me at: Discord: "kegrisko." (The ID has a dot at the end)
This project works well with the cactus dupe. (Planning on adding the popbob bed dupe later.)
This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. You can only use this code in open-source clients that you release under the same license! Using it in closed-source/proprietary clients is not allowed.